Below please find a bulletin that the company recently issued regarding updates to the layoff benefits continuation program.
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Updated Layoff Benefits Continuation Program – NEW Option Coming soon
Last week, each of you received a notice providing information on the benefit continuance options available during layoff. We received feedback from many of you about the terms of this program, specifically around allowing pharmacy benefits only and we thank you for taking the time to write to us. We heard your concerns and are working with our Claims Administrators to develop two options: one that includes comprehensive health coverage and one that includes coverage for prescription drugs only.
Next week, we’ll be sending you more details on the programs, including the enrollment period, costs, and how to prepay your premiums. Please note that for those of you that have made your selections already, as to whether or not to participate in the benefits continuation program, you will have your selections voided in order to ensure everyone has the opportunity to select the best option suited to their needs. For employees who have already submitted cheques, we will review your file pursuant to your revised elections and communicate with you accordingly.
Please note employees placed on Layoff status, your active benefits are extended until the end of the month of the layoff. Prepayment will be required for the following month.
Please continue to monitor your Air Canada email for additional information.
We understand this is a very difficult time, and we are here to answer any questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you require clarification or support.