days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Vacation Overpayment Process

On Thursday, January 25th we met with Air Canada Senior Management to express our serious concerns with the way that the vacation overpayment process was once again being mishandled. We identified that waiting until the end of the year is putting our members in a difficult position. Having to pay money back without a fulsome explanation is not acceptable. This was coupled with the fact that we were seeing different answers to the same questions from various planners. There is also the issue of retired members who are owed money for vacation, and they have been waiting months for the payment of vacation that is rightfully theirs.

We asserted that this entire process must be taken in hand and there must be consistency and integrity in their processes. We insisted that Air Canada take ownership of this and do a thorough internal review. We have also requested that owed expenses be paid out prior to any claw backs. So many of our members are struggling financially and this is yet another burden for them to carry. At the very least they are entitled to a process that is clear and self-explanatory. Ideally, we would like to see a process that takes place on an ongoing basis. That way members are advised in advance and not caught off guard when told they own hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Air Canada has ceased the process until they can do an internal review. We see this as a step in the right direction. We will update the membership as soon as we have any new information.

In solidarity,

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