days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

VP Communiqué – Time Bank

To All Air Canada Mainline Members:

I recently asked the Locals to include a ‘reach-out’ in their respective base bulletins to inquire about your experiences with your Time Bank. As a result, you might have seen the request in your most recent Local bulletin.
Component had received a couple of reports from members that were frustrated trying to apply banked credits.
As a result, we wanted to gauge whether your Time Bank is working well for you or not. Component wanted to ascertain whether reasonable requests for leaves earned with banked time were being granted.
We appreciate the feedback that we have already received from the membership and await further accounts in order to properly assess. Please keep remitting your statements to me at
However, it has become clear from some emails that members may not be fully aware of this relatively new feature which was implemented last year.
Please note that I have included a copy (below) of all of the relevant language from your Collective Agreement.
To summarize, in short, you may operate VE and bank the time if you so choose within the parameters described below.
I hope this helps!
Please feel free to email your Local and/or me if you have any questions.
In solidarity,
Beth Mahan
Vice-President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

10.15 Personal Time Bank

10.15.01 Definition: A personal time bank contains banked flight time credits which can be used at a later date.

10.15.02 An Employee may, subject to operational requirements, take up to forty (40) hours of personal leave during each calendar as defined in Article 10.15.01.

10.15.03 A new and separate time bank will be created in which credits can be accumulated. Credits in this bank can be accumulated by placing any voluntary extension credits in the bank. BLOCKHOLDERS: Should a regular Blockholder request to use banked time for a personal leave, s/he will contact Crew Scheduling, who will process the leave subject to operational requirements, provided the Employee has sufficient credits in the bank. The employee will be removed from the pairing and his/her bank will be debited with the scheduled time of the pairing. In the event the Employee does not have sufficient credits in the bank to cover the full period of the requested leave, then the leave will be denied. BLOCKHOLDERS: Should a Reserve Blockholder request to use banked time for a personal leave, s/he will contact Crew Scheduling, who will process the leave, subject to operational requirements, provided the Employee has sufficient credits in the bank. If the Employee has not been assigned a pairing, his/her bank will be debited by two hours and thirty-five minutes (2:35) which will be applied towards flight time limitations for each scheduled reserve day. In the event the Employee does not have sufficient credits in his/her bank to cover the full period of the requested leave, then the leave will be denied.

10.15.04 The credits shall be paid at the Employee’s applicable rate of pay for the duty from which s/he was released.

10.15.05 Any time remaining in the bank when the Employee terminates, retires, or transfers to Air Canada Rouge will be paid out in full at such time,

10.15.0When an Employee performs voluntary extension, the Employee must advise Crew Scheduling, prior to operating, if they want those credits placed in their personal time bank. Only complete pairings may be put in the Employee’s personal time bank.

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