Workers’ Compensation Committee Update

As many of you know the Air Canada Component houses many committees that work on your behalf on a regular basis. These Committees  ensure not only your contractual rights are adhered to, but also to ensure you have other services available to advocate for you when you may find your self in a position where you need further assistance.

One committee that has historically been driven by the Air Canada Component was the Workers Compensation Committee. This committee provided appeal  assistance with WSIB, WCB, and CNESST claims depending on the province. The committee has been staffed in Toronto and had additional volunteers throughout the system, typically based in YVR, YYZ and YUL.

Over the years we have had some amazing success stories advocating for workers’ rights. Doug Hay and most recently Tamara DiMaddalena have been instrumental in building the knowledge base and strength behind the committee. CUPE Quebec has since started offering service to our members in the way of appeal assistance with CNESST claims along with Local 4091.  This is available to both Mainline and Rouge members based in Quebec.

Based on the success of that model moving forward, each local will be responsible for assisting members with claims assistance, and if there is an appeal to be had, we will also have the assistance of CUPE National to move your appeal forward.

Having a strong working relationship with CUPE National, and in the time of COVID being able to have additional assistance will only assist your Local and Component to advocate further for you.

Going forward, if you have a need to file a Workplace Injury Appeal, please reach out to your Local Union office who will be able to assist you.

Stay safe,

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