days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

YYZ Comm Centre Visits

Dear members,

As explained in a previous bulletin, Edith and I are scheduling time to visit Crew Support Centres at all bases in the months ahead. We are doing this to help answer members’ questions regarding the many new gains being implemented in our workplace, and also to obtain much-needed feedback directly from Flight Attendants and In-Charges at their local bases.
In March, we visited local members in YVR. In April, we’ll be spending a little time in the YYZ Comm Center; on Monday, April 25th, we’ll be there from 9am to 5pm, and on Tuesday, April 26th, we’ll be present from 5pm to 9pm.
If you’re around and would like to drop by, ask us any questions you may have, or offer us your personal insight as to realities our members are facing on the line, please don’t hesitate. We’d really appreciate the opportunity to exchange with you.
In solidarity,
Michel Cournoyer
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

Click HERE for a printable, and downloadable, version of this bulletin.

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