days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

CHQ-17-48 – 737MAX Workbook

We are pleased to announce that CHQ-17-48 (Click HERE to view) was successfully resolved at arbitration.  Arbitrator Eli Gedalof provided a consent award which provided for the payment of previously submitted eClaims for completion of the workbooks for B737 Max training.
All members who submitted an eClaim will be receiving two or three hours of pay at the training rate.  Please refer to attached award (Click HERE) for more details.
Only those who submitted an eClaim will be entitled to redress as a part of this award.  We believe this is a positive outcome.
We want to encourage all of our members to file eClaims in circumstances where they have felt that they have not been properly compensated.   If in doubt about future claims for other matters, please reach out to your local office.
In Solidarity,
Component Grievance Committee

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