days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

As A Matter Of Fact – Tip Of The Week – The Different Types of Grievances

There are different types of grievances filed by the local Union and the Component.  They are, for the most part, individual, group and/or policy grievances.

In the case of an individual grievance, the subject-matter of the grievance is personal to the employee. These are filed by your local office.

For example: a member was not paid correctly for a specific pairing

A group grievance is filed when several individual grievances are brought forward as a single complaint; one grievance is filed, and all the names of affected individuals are attached. These are filed by your local office.

For example: a group of members at your local on a specific pairing are not being paid the check-in/check-out gratuity allowance properly

A policy grievance is a complaint by the union that the action(s) of management (or its failure or refusal to act) is a violation of the agreement. This could affect all who are covered by the agreement. These are filed by the Component.

For example: the company has failed to follow the definition of a “downtown” hotel when it chose hotel accommodations.

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