days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Policy Grievance – Post Duty Ground Credit

With the world changing at a fast pace there are so are many aspects of our job that prior to these challenging times were not something we had to necessarily consider.  Hong Kong has been the first to announce mandatory testing upon arrival.  This was a surprise to some, and to others expected.  We are confident that this may open the doors to further entry requirements around the globe, and with this comes more free time.

The Union sees this as a requirement while working, and hence should be paid.  This is what Article 5.08 in the Collective Agreement contemplates, any “requirement” to stay on duty past your duty period.

Policy grievance CHQ-20-12, Post Duty Ground Credit, has been filed.  Please click HERE to view the grievance form.

The Union is requesting that all members that operate to Hong Kong (HKG) and are required to submit to mandatory COVID-19 testing, fill out a ground duty claim, as per Article 5.08 (Click HERE to access the claim form).

The ground duty period should commence 15 minutes post arrival up to the time the last person has cleared the COVID-19 testing facility.

If the claim is denied, please submit it to your Local Union and it will be attached to this grievance.  Make sure to retain a copy for you and your crew’s records.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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