days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

A Message From Your President

I wanted to update you again, we have been hearing from you loud and clear with regards to how you are feeling online, at home and abroad.  We are here for you, and working through all of the emails around the clock.

Below is a list of what we have proposed to Air Canada / Air Canada Rouge in regards to limiting exposure:

  • Reduction of all non-essential service to passengers on all flights
    • To date all that has been removed is Hot Towel service in j class, we need a cease of meals and drinks.  Contact is the primary issue, so that needs to end when not required.
  • Only by dealing with urgent matters eg: Medical situations, security events, regulated safety etc.
  • Be allowed to practice social distancing when possible onboard.  Non-essential crew should be removed, ADC’s and OBSMs.
  • Employer to provide all hospital grade PPE required:
    • Provide sufficient medical grade gloves for all staff in varied sizes
    • Provide multiple long sleeve isolation gowns for any pairing
    • Provide multiple N95 mask for each pairing
    • Face shield on every plane
    • Extra supplies made available at the gate, crew rooms and on board
  • Employer to ensure each flight is properly stocked for disinfecting materials while in flight.
  • No planes leave without potable water, no exceptions to this.
  • Proper disinfection of every plane, after each flight.

We will keep you apprised as discussions on this continue, we are encouraged to know the Company will look into this.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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