days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

President’s Message – March 2008

Union/Management Headquarters Meetings (UMHQ)

In accordance with Article 21 of the Collective Agreement, the Union and the Employer meet on a quarterly basis in order to discuss and resolve issues affecting you, the membership. Article 21.01.01 outlines the general principles:

President’s Message – February 2008

At our recent quarterly executive meeting in Vancouver the four CUPE National Staff Representatives worked with the executive to resolve internal conflicts for the good of the Union and the members.  All parties agreed to concentrate on the business for the go forward.  Additionally, the executive agreed to:

President’s Message – December 2007

Your Union has had an extremely busy year in 2007 and we expect an even busier year in 2008 as we head into the preliminary bargaining process.

We have been working diligently on your behalf all year and have filed in excess of 700 grievances and we will continue to fight to protect your rights under the collective agreement.