days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Bylaw Committee

The Bylaw Review Committee is an Ad Hoc Committee established under Section 9.2 of the Air Canada Component of CUPE bylaws. Its purpose is to review the Component Bylaws and present bylaw amendments and/or additions to ACCEX, which will make final recommendations to be adopted by a Membership referendum vote. A member of ACCEX will liaise with the Committee and be present at all meetings to ensure directions of ACCEX is being followed.

The Bylaw Committee will be composed of one (1) Committee Chair, (1) Component Member, and Five (5) Local Component Members, all of which are appointed by the Component President and should not be an existing member of the Air Canada Component Executive (ACCEX).

The Bylaw Review Committee Members Shall:

1) Review and make recommendations on amendments and/or additions to the Component Bylaws. All Component Bylaw amendments and/or additions shall be presented to ACCEX for final recommendation to the membership.

2) Attend all Bylaw Committee Meetings.

3) Comply with Section 13 of the Air Canada Component Bylaws regarding the Procedure to Amend Component Bylaws.

4) Comply to Section 13.1 of the Air Canada Component Bylaws Internal decision making of the Component Bylaw Committee should adhere

The Bylaw Review Committee Shall Not:

1) Have the power to make any decision binding on the Union.

2) Send out any type of communication to the Membership or the Company without the express written consent of the Component President.

As Special Assignment is defined as quasi management in the Collective Agreement, any member who is on a Special Assignment shall continue to pay dues and be eligible for voting but must resign from any CUPE position and shall not be eligible for nomination or appointment to any office or Committee in the Union.

All Committees and Committee Members shall adhere to the Component Expense policy.

Bilingual Committee

The main purpose of the Component Bilingual Committee is to safeguard and promote Canada’s two official languages in the workplace as well as within the Union.


1. Work with the Component president to ensure that Canada’s official languages act is upheld by the employer and that issues affecting the members are addressed.

2. Meet with the Company on a regular basis to discuss any issues regarding bilingualism and report these discussions to the Component President.

3. Meet with government officials when required.

4. Report to the Component President at least every 3 months verbally or in writing, and report to the quarterly regular ACCEX meetings in writing.


1. Have the power to make any decision binding on the Union.

2. Send out any type of communication to the membership or the Company without the express written consent of the Component President.

As special assignment is defined as quasi management in the collective agreement, any member who is on Special Assignment shall continue to pay dues and be eligible for voting but must resign from any CUPE position and shall not be eligible for nomination or appointment to any office Committee in the Union.

All Committees and committee members shall adhere to the Component Expense policy.

Benefits Committee

The Benefit Committee is an Ad Hoc Committee established under Section 9.2 of the Air Canada Component of CUPE bylaws.

1. Work with the Component President to ensure that the Collective Agreement is upheld and implemented by the employer and that issues affecting the members are addressed.

2. Report to ACCEX in writing quarterly and keep the Component President apprised of all matters related to the Committee.

3. Draft membership bulletin information, if required, for submission to the Component President

4. Ensure the proper functioning of the Component Benefits Committee.

5. Ensure that Local officers are informed of any issues relating to benefits that would affect them and work to assist the local officers with any benefit related matters.

6. Manage the approved Committee budget in cooperation with the Component SecretaryTreasurer, in accordance with the Component Bylaws and policies.

7. Confirm all verbal communications with the Company in writing. All written Committee communications should be copied to the Component President. The Committee has no authority to make decisions binding on the Union.

9. Purpose of the Committee:

a) Inform, support and advise Local Officers and Component Officers of any issues relating to benefits;

b) Promote and further the rights of employees with benefits related issues within the context of their rights under the Collective Agreement and Human Rights legislation;

c) Promote through education, a solid knowledge of benefit entitlements for all of the Air Canada Flight Attendants.

10. The composition of the Committee is;

a) One (1) Committee Chairperson appointed by the Air Canada Component President

b) Committee members as required.

11. Committee Member Duties

a) The Chairperson;

i) Ensure the leadership and the coordination of the affairs of the Committee;

ii) Carry out any tasks entrusted to her or him by the Committee;

b)       i) Act as liaison between the Committee and the Local Union offices

ii) Share their expertise in order to function and / or reach the goals of the Committee;

iii) Carry out any tasks entrusted to them by the Committee.

12. Meetings The Committee shall meet as required and as determined by the Committee members.