days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

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Reserve Committee Handbook – May 2019

The Reserve Handbook is a guide to the rights and entitlements of reserve flight attendants, as set out in the Collective Agreement. It is produced by the Air Canada Component’s Reserve Committee, a group of people just like you, living the reserve lifestyle and coping with reserve problems. We’re here to help. The document covers: …

Toronto ART in Montreal & How to Claim – Compensation for SD’s doing ART

Toronto ART in Montreal – How to Claim – Mainline Air Canada The union has had many members reach out about expenses while in training away from base.  We have confirmed that the following is the proper method of having your expenses claimed and paid out. Members need to itemize the per diem expense(s) being …

Component Secretary-Treasurer’s Report – April 2019

Dear Members, I have just completed my second month in office and thought it was time to provide an update on the financial affairs of the Union. It has been a very busy two months being brought up to speed on many issues and getting comfortable in my new role. I am excited for the …