days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

The Situation In Barcelona

Your Component leadership, Hotel Committee, and OHS Committee have been following the events in Catalonia, Spain closely, and are in communication with the company regarding the safety and security of our crews on layover in Barcelona (BCN). Although there has been some civil unrest reported in the news surrounding the recent Catalan secession referendum, and …

Top Up Reminder – Reduced Block Program 2017 – 2018

The Reduced Block Program commences with the October 2017 Block Month. For members who are participating in the Reduced Block Program who wish to Top-Up their earnings in the event that they are unable to return to full duties at the end of the RBP due to an unforeseen disability, please contact Manion Contact Centre …

PBS Bidding Reminders

The first month’s bidding and awards have been completed we would like to highlight a few things that should assist you as you prepare to bid for your November blocks. Browser Cache Synchronization One System – Two Looks Using more than one computer for bidding GP > GJ Any vs Every Please CLICK HERE to …

Uniform update

Dear Members, Your Component Uniform/Luggage and Health and Safety Committees have been very busy these past few months, working with the company to finalize both the new uniform and luggage. Many of you have written to us with questions and comments throughout this time. As your representatives, we needed to prioritize addressing these with the …

Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear members, Thanksgiving brings about a season of giving thanks and joy, and enjoying time with family and friends over this holiday.  As we know with every long weekend comes some short notice call outs, IRROPS and other trying situations. Please note that your Union is always available for urgent matters through the 24 hour emergency line …