days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

RBP Pension Bulletin – August 2020

(This applies to Air Canada Mainline only)

Pension information regarding the 8 month Reduced Block Program as per LOU 25:
Bidding for the reduced block program offered yearly as per LOU 25 of the Collective Agreement opens on August 19, 2020, at 8:00 EDT and closes on September 2, 2020, at 8:00 EDT. Award results will be available on September 11, 2020, at 17:00 EDT.

For your convenience, a copy of the relevant article, as well as important pension buy-back information, is posted on acaeronet and is available via the globe Information System under Tools & References > Crew Scheduling & Planning > Reduced Block Program Information > Reduced Block Program Under LOU 25/2020-2021 Reduced Block Pension Buy Back Formula (respectively). Please note that an updated document has been posted.

Members applying for the Reduced Block Program are required to select Option 1 or Option 2 regarding their pension for the duration of the program. The following information and definitions are provided to assist you with understanding and assessing the pension options that are part of this program.

You are considered to be working 60% of a regular block when you are on an RBP. Qualifying Pension Service credit is not prorated but Allowable Pension Service credited is prorated based on 60% unless you do the top up (buy back).
Note: The pension department rounds up Allowable Pension Service for the RBP period to the next full month (explained below).

Qualifying Service; is the service used to determine eligibility criteria for pension milestones (such as 25 years or 80 and 85 points), it will not be affected by this program. You will receive 8 months of Qualifying Service for the 8 month RBP program and 12 months of Qualifying Service if you are on an RBP for 12 months (i.e.: if you were also on the 4 month RBP from June – September as well), regardless of whether you select Option 1 or Option 2.

Allowable Service; is the amount of service used in your pension formula to determine the pension you will receive and it is affected by this program. Applicants must choose Option 1 or Option 2 (discussed below) to determine if you receive 60% or 100% of the month for Allowable Pension Service time.

If you choose Option 1 (no top up) you will receive a total of 5 months of Allowable Pension Service for the 8 month RBP period and 8 months of Allowable Pension Service for the 12 month RBP period.

If you choose Option 2 you will receive 8 months of Allowable Pension Service for the 8 month RBP and 12 months of Allowable Pension Service for the 12 month RBP.

Note: If you have already achieved your 35 years of Allowable Service, no pension contributions will be deducted, and you will not be credited with any additional Allowable Service. However, you still have to select an Option when submitting your RBP Bid.

Allowable Service Credit and required contributions:

Option 1 – If you choose Option 1 you contribute on your actual (reduced block) earnings and your allowable service (used to calculate your pension) is reduced accordingly. The contribution rate is 4.5% for earnings up to the YMPE and 6.0% for earnings over the YMPE. The 2020 YMPE is $58,700. The Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE) number is set by the government. It is a measure of the average national wage as determined by statistics Canada and reported each fall by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency.

If you elect Option 1, you will NOT be allowed to buy-back this Allowable Service at a later date. However as mentioned above your Qualifying Service is not affected.

If you choose Option 1, you receive Allowable Service credit for 60% of the length of time of the Reduced Block. For the 8 month RBP program you will receive 5 months allowable service credit (60% X 8 = 4.8) and for the 12 month RBP program you will receive 8 months of allowable service credit (60% X 12 = 7.2), as the calculation is rounded up to the next completed month.

Option 2 – If you choose Option 2 you have decided to top-up (buy back), and you will receive full credit for your Allowable Service in the pension plan. You must contribute 1) the employer portion of the cost to the pension plan for the period you are not working and 2) your regular contributions as if you were receiving your full salary. If you choose Option 2 you receive Allowable Service credit for the full period of the 8 or 12 month reduced block.

What does Option 2 top-up (buy back) cost and what is the benefit?
If you participate in Option 2 you are basically buying 3 months of Allowable Service if you are participating in the 8 month program and 4 months of Allowable Service if you are participating in the 12 month program. For the period of the RBP you will receive 8 months or 12 months of Allowable Service credit depending on the program you are awarded. If you do not do the Option 2 top-up (buy back) for the period of the RBP you will receive 5 months of Allowable Service credit if participating in the 8 month RBP and 8 months of Allowable Service credit if participating in the 12 month RBP.

If you are planning to work past the point in time when you would achieve 35 years (420 months) of Allowable Service credit (35 years, 420 months is the maximum amount of allowable pension service you can accrue based on our pension plan provisions) then the buy back may not be necessary in order for you to achieve a full pension of 35 years Allowable Service. If you choose Option 1 and not Option 2 (the buy back) and if for some reason at a later date you decide you want to buy back this time, it will not be possible under the current rules. The cost of the top-up (buy back) varies according to your age. The older you are the more expensive it is. As referenced above in paragraph two, you can review the 2020-21 Reduced Block Pension Buy Back Formula bulletin on acaeronet/globe to determine your cost of the buy back, based on your age and expected earnings. For your information the 2020 YMPE figure is $58,700.

To estimate the value for you of doing the RBP buy back (provided the pension milestones are the same for both dates) you could do a pension estimate projection for the date you intend to retire and compare it to one that is 3 months earlier for the 8 month RBP or 4 months earlier for the 12 month RBP (i.e.: with 3 or 4 months less Allowable Service). The difference would be an estimate of the value of the top up (buy back) for you.

You may want to consider whether you may eventually achieve 35 years of Allowable Service without doing the buy back. If you work more than 3 months past the point in time for the 8 month RBP or 4 months past the point in time for the 12 month RBP, when you would have achieved 35 years of Allowable Service with the top up (buy back), then you may eventually be able to earn and be credited with this Allowable Service without doing the top up (buy back) and paying the Company portion.

Annualized Earnings for the Reduced Block Program:
If the reduced block period is not part of your best 3 years (best consecutive 36 months) then the reduced block has no impact on the Average Annual Compensation figure used in calculating your pension. If the reduced block period is part of the member’s best 36 months earnings, a formula will be used to determine the annualized earnings that will be entered as the member’s monthly earnings and used in their pension calculations. For example; if you flew the maximum of 45 hours allowed during a reduced block month, based on the annualized earnings formula, 75 hours pay would be the annualized earnings that would be used as your monthly pensionable earnings for that month and entered in your pension file. For both Option 1 and Option 2 the earnings used for your Average Annual Compensation earnings (pensionable earnings) will be annualized.

For members who have already contributed to the 35 year maximum this annualized amount is entered as pensionable earnings for this time period. Even if Allowable Service is not being credited due to the 35 year limit, the member’s earnings after 35 years are still recognized in determining their best consecutive 36 months. The best 36 months used for determining the Average Annual Compensation (which is used in the pension formula) is based on whenever these earnings occur after the date the members joined the pension plan.

Conclusion: For any questions or if you require further clarification please call AC ECT (Employee Care Team), 1-833-847-3675 or HR Connex Pension at 1-855-354-6944 (select the options for DB pensions).

In Solidarity,

Your Component Pension Committee

As A Matter Of Fact – Tip Of The Week – Accommodation Issues

There may be times in your career in which there are issues preventing you from working in the same way in which you were once able. These reasons could include a health issue, a family status issue, or any other protected ground under Human Rights legislation. Employers have certain obligations to adjust rules, policies, or practices to enable you to maintain your employment in these scenarios. Generally, this arises in connection with needs that are related to the grounds of discrimination. This is where the employer’s duty to accommodate comes into play. Your Local Union representatives are well versed in accommodation issues and should you ever have a question about accommodation, we encourage you to reach out to them.

Letter to Members of Parliament

Your Union is steadfast in advocating for a level headed approach to reopening, proper PPE being maintained and health and safety being at the forefront of any decision for the go forward.

The Presidents of the Airline Division of CUPE, who together represent over 15,000 Flight Attendants in Canada, sent the following letter to all Members of Parliament regarding the Federal Government’s decision to extend the mandatory 14-day quarantine period for travelers entering Canada until August 31, 2020, health and safety protocols, and financial assistance for the travel and tourism industries.

 Click HERE to view a PDF version of the above letter.

Call to Action: Save our travel and tourism industries

The travel and tourism industry has effectively been shut down since the closure of the border to international travel  and the implementation of quarantine measures. Today, with no real plan for re-opening, the situation is no longer sustainable.

Help save the future of thousands of Canadians families by calling for a more balanced approach to the reopening of our borders

Reach out to your elected officials, by clicking the link below, and urge them to adopt a more balanced approach to the restrictions, in line with the international community, and which protects the public’s health and the economic viability of these important industries.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

Vacation Payout and Reduced Block Program

As you may be aware, the Company has put out two bulletins recently.

The first is directed to those that are awaiting vacation reconciliation for the 2019-2020 vacation year which ended on April 30, 2020.

The company has issued the following information:

Reconciliations for crew based in YUL, YYC and YVR have been completed, and active employees will see their payouts added to the next paycheque.

Inactive employees may contact the Employee Care Team at to have those funds released. Kindly note that any payment released to you as vacation reconciliation will generate a new record of employment that must be declared while on employment benefits (EI and/or CERB), which may negatively impact your benefits.

Please know that we are presently processing the remaining payouts for YYZ base as quickly as we can and anticipate completing the reconciliations in September. Should you require your payout as soon as possible due to immediate financial obligations, we invite you on an exceptional basis to email to request an urgent payout.

Please include “IFS Vacation Payout” in the subject line of your email for urgent requests.

If you have any questions or require further clarification, please contact the Employee Care Team at

We have been working to get this actioned as soon as possible, please ensure that you send the information required with all requests.

The second bulletin is regarding the Annual Reduced Block Program (RBP). These eight-month RBPs are offered annually starting with the October 2020 block month through to the May 2021 block month.  The bidding site is available on eForms and bidding is now open. Bidding will close on September 2, 2020 at 8:00 EDT. If you are interested in applying, please review the information on Aeronet which has the full details.

In solidarity,

Aircraft Cabin Air Quality WEBINAR September 15th or 16th

The Global Cabin Air Quality Executive (GCAQE) is hosting a free 2 hour webinar on Aircraft Cabin Air Quality, with time for a Q & A session.

The dates of the webinar are:
– September 15th at 09:00 (UK time*)
– September 16th at 18:30 (UK time*)
* please note UK time zone

Registration is required. Click the preferred date below to register:

15 September 2020 – 09:00 UK time

16 September 2020 – 18:30 UK time

The GCAQE (Global Cabin Air Quality Executive) is the leading organization representing air crew (pilots, cabin crew and engineers) and consumers, that deals specifically with contaminated air issues and cabin air quality. They currently represent 33 organizations, and over one hundred thousand workers around the world.

The primary purpose of the GCAQE is to effect the changes in the aviation industry that are necessary to prevent crew members, passengers and ground workers exposed to turbine emissions from being exposed to oil and hydraulic fluid in the ventilation air supplied to the cabin and flight deck.

They are the credible, unified voice of airline workers, engineers and consumers regarding the hazards posed by exposure to contaminated ventilation supply air on aircraft. We offer practical tools to assist our member unions, and we connect our members across the globe to work together to prevent exposure to toxic fumes on aircraft.