days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

N95 Respirators

The company sent out a memo regarding the fact that they will now be provisioning 1 N95 respirator per crew member.

Your health and safety representatives want to set the record straight. This change did not happen overnight and represents a long, long serious disagreement by the Union, its health and safety representatives, and its members.

It was only after many public calls for increased personal protection equipment onboard, many outreaches to the press, many conversations with Company representatives and the courageous efforts of certain members who stood up for their workers’ rights that change happened.

You may have noticed a posting in your crew centre as of Friday evening notifying employees of a finding of DANGER from Transport Canada regarding social distancing onboard the aircraft. This follows the investigation of multiple work refusals. The decision reads:

Requiring Flight Attendants to come frequently into close proximity with passengers during the COVID19 outbreak, in order to provide regular service, with no possibility of social distancing presents a serious threat to their health.

Therefore, you are HEREBY DIRECTED, pursuant to paragraph 145(2) (a) of the Canada Labour Code, Part II, to alter the activity that constitutes the danger immediately.

The company has since announced a reduction in service onboard, and that an N95 respirator will be provided to crew. However, the Union has been advised by the Company there will be more masks available this week for those who need replacements.  The Union acknowledges these efforts but feels that there is much more that needs to be done to protect our members.

The Union demands that the employer provide our crews with the full gamut of PPE required to safely conduct their duties and, in doing so, take care of our customers by:

  • Providing the regulatory-required fit testing to ensure N95 respirators are correctly sized to our members, ensuring maximum protection.
  • Establishing an opportunity for on-site training to assist employees with understanding the do’s and don’ts of donning and removing this PPE.
  • Providing a clear explanation of when the N95 respirator provides maximum benefit.
  • Provide crew with the proper storage and advice should the mask get crushed.
  • Provided clearer guidance on how to assess end of usefulness since these respirators are not good for unlimited use, even if not soiled.
  • Remind employees that the front of the respirator should never be touched to prevent contamination of the hands.
  • Establish a clear process for the replacement of N95 respirators.
  • Make clear that proper donning and removal procedures must be exercised regardless of how short a period the respirator is off the face.

Providing the additional universal precautions equipment that is crucial to full protection – over and above what is contained in the UPK kits –  including additional eye visors and full-sleeve smocks which are used by other professionals when in close proximity to persons suspected of contagious disease.

The Union’s position is that this PPE should remain a staple of our onboard personal protective equipment ALWAYS so that we never have to put ourselves at risk for weeks on end in the future. We must NEVER turn our backs on this hazard.

Thank you for reporting, for your encouragement and your bravery facing what has been confirmed to be a genuine danger in the workplace. Reporting works when everyone faced with the danger does it. Workers’ rights work when we all know them and apply them.

In solidarity,

Q & A Regarding Off Duty Status

The Company today has advised the Union of the following surplus Cabin Personnel for the April 2020 block month, by base:

  • Mainline YUL: 530
  • Mainline YYZ: 1,765
  • Mainline YYC: 267
  • Mainline YVR: 973
  • Rouge YTO/YMQ: 1,549

The Company further reiterated that those of you who have applied for Special Leaves of Absence (SPLOA) for April 2020 will be converted to Off-Duty Status, enabling you to apply to Employment Insurance Benefits.

Please CLICK HERE to view Air Canada Q&A regarding LOU 6 Off-Duty Status.

Please CLICK HERE to view a message from Air Canada Rouge regarding LOU 6, there is unfortunately no Q&A.

Please note that any Mainline members wishing to take the voluntary options have until March 23, 2020, at 0800 EDT. Please ensure you follow the guidelines and use your Air Canada email address including your base and employee number.

We understand this is a very challenging time for each and every one of you.  Each of us will be affected in different ways, but we will all be affected.

Over the weekend we will be working and monitoring the situation, if anything needs to be reported to you, we will ensure it is done in a timely manner.
In Solidarity,

Update From Your Component Officers

Your Component Executive along with the Local offices have been inundated with the amount of questions that have come in. We understand that these are difficult times and we are working hard to get answers to all of your questions.

We have been in discussions with the Company today and they will be coming out with a full Question & Answer package to explain “off-duty status” and what will occur for the April 2020 block month. The information provided will be for members at both Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge. Once that package is received, we will also be forwarding it out from the Air Canada Component to ensure that all members have it in a timely fashion.

Please remember going forward that any options will be communicated through your Air Canada email, so we encourage you to ensure that it is active. You can find directions on how to access your Air Canada email on ACAeronet.

For our Rouge members we completely understand that this time is unsettling however the union has no further update with regards to the plans of Air Canada Rouge beyond April 2020.

For our Mainline members the primary concern seems to be with regards to the “off-duty status” for April 2020. We want to confirm that if you applied for the special leave of absence (SLPOA) or if you are thinking of applying for the “off-duty status” on a voluntary basis, that this will only be applicable for April 2020.  Further mitigations and reductions will take place for May 2020 onwards and Article 17 and LOU 60.05 of the Collective Agreement will be in full effect.
In Solidarity,

EAP – Homewood’s Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

As cases of COVID-19 continue to rise globally and across Canada, an increasing number of employees and their family members are experiencing increased levels of anxiety. It is normal during this time of uncertainty for employees to speculate on the potential spread of the virus and to experience understandable reactions from worry to anxiety. When faced with uncertainty, we experience physical, emotional and behavioural reactions. We all react somewhat differently.

As a reminder, you have access to i-Volve, Homewood Health’s Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. i-Volve is a bilingual, web-based solution designed to treat members struggling with anxiety and/or mild depression. This innovative treatment program will guide you through exercises that examine and test how you interpret and perceive external stimulation. These insights will help you change and adapt the ways in which you think, feel, and react during anxious scenarios and situations. i-Volve will help you to identify, challenge and overcome anxious thoughts, behaviours and emotions.

To access i-Volve, please register on

Wishing you all the best,

Mary Keough
Chair, Component EAP Committee

A Message From Your Component Officers

Many of you have been reaching out with the recent announcement made by Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge regarding massive decreases in our immediate flying schedule.  We have just concluded a call with Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge, and shortly after with ACCEX, and wanted to advise you of the following:

The Company has advised that it was their intention to invoke L60.06 of the Collective Agreement. This is an invocation of the Force Majeure clause.

As you know we have received word from Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge that they will be only maintaining limited international service to 6 destinations.  This is subject to change. Transborder flights will be reduced to 13 destinations.  The company will also continue to provide service to all provinces however it will be reduced and subject to further reductions.

There will be an overall reduction in capacity of at least 80% in April 2020.

There will also be reductions in capacity for May onward and as soon as we receive information about them, we will keep everyone informed.

The approximate Mainline surplus for the month of April is 3,600 members and Rouge will have all members, 1,549 deemed surplus.   Rouge will in effect have zero flying hours for the month of April 2020.

The Company will commence the process of calling members and placing them on “Off Duty Status” as early as within the next 48 hours as outlined in LOU 6.  Off Duty Status allows you to collect employment insurance and maintain benefits, along with travel benefits.  The Union’s position is that this option should be offered to all members as we have heard from many senior members that they would like to voluntarily take this option.  The company will allow the opportunity for members to volunteer for Off Duty Status.  More information will come out from the company on this.

The Union has also sought clarity for those of you on SPLOAs in reference to you being able to collect Employment Insurance, maintain benefits and flight benefits.  We have confirmed with the employer that those of you on SPLOAs for April 2020 will be converted to Off Duty Status enabling you to collect Employment Insurance.

As of May 2020, Article 17 of the Collective Agreement will apply and the Union has proposed that we commence discussions within the immediate future regarding mitigation options.  Please reference Article 17 of the Collective Agreement and LOU 60.05. This outlines the process that we believe will be taking place for the May 2020 block month onwards. As per L60.05.03.04, the Union has provided a list of all mitigation options we would like to have them review. We have captured all mitigation suggestions that the members have brought forward to date.  Thank you for providing them as we know it is important for many reasons.

We will keep you informed when new information comes to us and appreciate this causes many concerns and further uncertainty.  We have many questions for the employer, and have sought much clarification, and commit that as we know, you will be advised.

Air Canada will be sending out all information through Air Canada email.  Please ensure you have activated your Air Canada email; you can find the instructions on how to do this by going onto ACaeronet.

This is unprecedented, and not something any of us want to go through.  The reality is real, and we are working around the clock ensuring you are represented.
In Solidarity,