days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

PBS: April Bid Period – UPDATE

The circumstances that led to the Company issued Globe Message on March 16 have resulted in a major change to the corporate schedule which would result in an insurmountable number of pairing revisions. It was decided that it was better to develop a new set of April pairings to replace the ones previously published. Once the new pairings are ready, they will be loaded into PBS. The New and Old interface access the same pairing file so either may be used.

New pairings will be available on Friday March 20th by 23:00 EDT. The bid close will be extended until Wednesday March 25th at 00:01 EDT. The last full day of bidding is March 24th. To give additional bidding time, the contesting period for April only will be reduced to 48 hours. Even at that, for Mainline, the bidding period is not the usual amount of time however given the timing of the events/announcements, the work that needs to be completed as well as the other processes involved in block awarding and publishing, a “full” bid period was not possible.

Please click HERE to view an in depth bulletin that deals with this subject.

COVID-19 – Filing a Workplace Insurance Claim

Dear members and esteemed colleagues, we are facing extremely challenging times not only personally but in our industry.  We are all in this together and in the spirit of providing up-to-date useful information we have developed this communication and will be closely monitoring the situation and we will do our best to provide updated information regularly. We strongly recommend that you regularly check updated information using links included within.

THIS IS WHAT WE KNOW TODAY, as the situation is rapidly changing:

→ FIRST – Follow Public Health Guidelines

If you are concerned that you may have been exposed to, or are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please contact or your local public health unit.

Health link
British Columbia  
Health Link
Telehealth Ontario
Gouvernement du Québec
1 877 644-4545

COVID-19 symptoms range from common to severe respiratory illnesses and include:
• Fever
• Cough
• Muscle aches and tiredness
• Difficulty breathing

In an effort to keep COVID-19 patients away from the emergency rooms, the province is setting up dedicated screening facilities.  Do not call 911 unless it is an emergency.

The first assessment centres will be established at the following hospitals/health facilities:

YVR Base



BC COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment Tool

British Columbians can call 811 for free from anywhere in the province to speak with a registered nurse about their health, including the novel coronavirus and COVID-19. The hotline is for anyone who suspects they have the illness, are showing symptoms related to COVID-19.

Hotline 1-888-COVID19 or 1-888-268-4319, between 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day, for the latest information on travel recommendations, social distancing, and supports and resources available from the provincial and federal governments.

YYC Base






If you have symptoms such as fever, cough and difficulty breathing and have travelled outside Canada or have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19, stay home and call Health Link 811. If you are not seriously ill, do not go to a physician’s office, a health care facility or a lab without consulting with Health Link 811 first. Call 911 if you are seriously ill and need immediate medical attention and inform them that you may have COVID-19.

YYZ Mainline & Rouge Bases

North York General Hospital 4001 Leslie St, North York, ON M2K 1E1 Scarborough Health Network 3050 Lawrence Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1P 2V5 Mackenzie Health, Ilan Ramon Blvd, Vaughan, ON
L6A 4P9
Trillium Health Partners 100 Queensway W, Mississauga, ON
L5B 1B8
Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated Health and Wellness 20 Lynch St, Brampton, ON
L6W 2Z8

The following COVID-19 Community Assessment Centres are/will be available to facilitate testing for possible cases of the coronavirus.

Toronto’s Michael Garron Hospital 825 Coxwell Ave
COVID-19 screening and assessment centre for people with signs and symptoms (by appointment only which they assess when you call)
Toronto Public Health
St. Michael’s Hospital Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute
38 Shuter St, Toronto
On site testing for COVID-19
Women’s College Hospital
76 Grenville St, Toronto
COVID-19 Community Assessment Centre site soon

YUL Mainline & Rouge Bases

Gouvernement du Québec

Santé Montréal

If you think you have COVID-19 infection, call 1 877 644-4545 (toll free) first. A nurse will assess your situation and recommend what to do next. If a medical consultation in a specialized COVID-19 clinic is required, the nurse will book an appointment for you. If your state of health indicates that you require hospitalization, the Jewish General (adults) and Sainte-Justine’s (children) are the hospitals designated to treat confirmed cases.





→ SECOND – How to file a Workplace Insurance Claim due to COVID-19 exposure?

WORKSAFE BC – filing a claim in British Columbia
Report a workplace injury or disease

  • Call Teleclaim @ 1-888-WORKERS (1.888.967.5377)


CNESST – Filing a claim in Quebec (Mainline & Rouge Bases)

WSIB ONTARIO – verbal direction from the WSIB (Mainline & Rouge Bases)

  • Follow the Public Health directives and self quarantine
  • File a WSIB FORM 6 and upload it electronically or mail it to the WSIB                                      
  • Contact the WSIB directly by phone and explain that you are a cabin crew member who has filed a FORM 6 but cannot file the FORM 8 yet as you are in quarantine
  • After the quarantine period has ended or testing positive for COVID-19 have your doctor file a FORM 8
  • Provide a copy of FORM 8 immediately to Air Canada Base Management, retain a copy for your records
  • If you are having difficulty getting an appointment with a doctor or clinic to have FORM 8 completed call the WSIB immediately and seek directive
  • Continue to keep the WSIB updated on your situation if you have filed a claim
  • You have six months from the date of the accident or occupational disease, from the time you learn of the diagnosis to file a claim


Workplace Safety & Insurance Board
200 Front Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3J1
Telephone: 416-344-1000
Toll free: 1-800-387-0750
WSIB COVID-19 Update

→ THIRD – Continue to follow Air Canada Sick Leave Policy and monitor Communications

Air Canada COVID-19 UPDATE
Please pay attention to your health at all times and remain in communication with your Wellness Team. If you develop fever, cough, or have difficulty breathing, please seek guidance from your health provider and if directed to do so, self-isolate to be excluded from working flights until cleared.

We have a through and immediate process that we use to notify you if you have been on a flight with a confirmed COVID-19. We provide you with clear guidance and remove you from your flights with pay for up to 14 days beginning on the date you were exposed to a confirmed passenger. We remain fully committed to this process that helps limit the virus spread, protects privacy and ensures that you are made aware as soon as possible of any possible exposure.

Air Canada Network route suspensions
Please continue to check for the most up-to-date route suspension information.

Air Canada Mainline Sick Leave Policy E-Pub
Home > About You > Performance and Expectations > Attendance

Air Canada Rouge Sick Leave Policy E-Pub
Acaeronet > Rouge > Manuals-Forms > Cabin Safety and Inflight Service > ePub

Please take care of yourselves and each other.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Workers’ Compensation Committee

Click HERE for a printable, and downloadable, version of this bulletin.

UPDATE – COVID-19 & The Wage Indemnity Program (WIP)

(This applies to Air Canada Mainline only)

For all COVID-19 only related claims Manion/SSQ will require the attached form be completed instead of the Attending Physician Statement. This is in an effort to decrease the demands of the health care system. We still require the Claimants and Employer statement of earnings to be completed as well.  Note: the Employer’s statement is sent to Manion automatically after day 15 from your first flight missed. The attached form is only for COVID-19 cases and is to be filled out by the member and submitted to Manion for processing should you continue to be off work after 14 days from your first flight missed.

NOTE: There are 3 different types of elimination periods – Sickness, Hospital or Accident. For our WIP plan they all have a 14-day waiting (elimination) period. SSQ has asked us to use the hospital elimination period for any COVID-19 related claims. Members don’t actually have to be hospitalized, It just means that for COVID-19 cases members may use this form (Click here to download the simplified form), that they are required to fill out rather than your physician.

We have been advised by SSQ to use this hospital elimination period/form of 14 days for all COVID-19 claims. Most cases shouldn’t extend beyond the 14-day elimination period, however if you continue to be disabled, then you must apply for WIP. Manion will also need a copy of the blood work, sputum test or any other acceptable medical evidence confirming the diagnosis as determined by your physician. Manion can request this on the member’s behalf or you can send it in for review if you have that information on hand.

WIP will not be covering cases for people who are NOT sick and are in self quarantine as prevention.

NOTE: For those that are in quarantine from the Company’s directive, this falls under a work related claim.

Please note, to ensure your application is received during this fluid movement and possible shut down of business, it is best that you email your WIP application form to Manion at

For regular WIP claims the usual WIP application found on the website is to be used.

COVID-19 And Your Short Term Disability Program

Considering the latest developments on COVID-19, SSQ Insurance has revised its position.

Short-Term Disability benefits
All disability claims related to COVID-19 will be treated in accordance with the terms of your short-term disability plan.

Is an employee in quarantine covered by the Short-Term Disability benefits?
In cases where the insured person presents incapacitating symptoms of COVID-19, SSQ Insurance will cover the disability, as per the rules of your contract.

Do we need to provide all the documentation normally requested?
In order to limit the traffic in clinics and hospitals, SSQ Insurance will accept the simplified form as medical information.

Click here to download the simplified form.

On Behalf of The Board of Trust,

Stephen Morash
Administrative Consultant

NOTE:  All Policy Booklet information can be accessed on the Air Canada Component of CUPE web site or on the Mobile App.

Manion, Wilkins & Associates
Plan Administration
626-21 Four Seasons Place
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9B 0A6

Switchboard: 416-234-5044
Toll Free Line:  1-800-663-7849
Fax: 416-234-0127
Contact Centre: 1-866-532-8999

Component Officers’ Update – March 18, 2020

To capture the evolving information your Component Officers will be sending out a daily update each evening, which we hope will cover daily developments in one source.
Medical Service and Testing for Coronavirus
The Union is well aware that services are being denied due to our work and industry being regarded as “dangerous”. We are keeping track of this and sharing this with the Company. Please reply to this email if you have been placed in a denied treatment position. We need to know the date, city and facility name.
Postponement of ART
The Company had advised that ART and Tempus training have been suspended for both Mainline and Rouge. The Company is working with Transport Canada to ensure this doesn’t affect your qualification as a Crew Member. We will update you once courses resume.
International Flight Suspension
Changes to the Flight Schedule continue, the most up to date information can be found at This will have a great effect on April schedules. As such, new pairing will be published and the bidding deadline has been extended until Wednesday, March 25th at 00:01 EDT. The last full day of bidding is March 24th. Please see the PBS Bulletin for more information.
It is very clear that we will be in a surplus situation for the April 2020 block month and potentially moving forward. We are scheduled to meet with the Company tomorrow afternoon to discuss overall staffing levels. We will provide an update as soon as we have concrete information.
Profit Sharing Payment
We have had many members reach out about their 2019 Profit Sharing payment if they were to take a Special Leave of Absence for the April 2020 block month. The payment is scheduled for your April 17th cheque and if you were on the payroll for the March 2020 block month you will receive the payment regardless of your status in April. Taking an SPLOA for April will not prevent you from getting the payment on your April 17th cheque.
Protective Equipment
The Company has committed to increasing the supply of gloves, masks, and sanitizing wipes onboard with an additional supply for return crew clearly labeled and stored in the locked forward/J bar cart. The masks provided are still only medical masks, and the Union strongly believes that N95 Mask must be sourced and boarded on our aircraft for crew use immediately. We still encourage you to wear the masks that are boarded, and gloves always including time in the airport.
Onboard Service
The Company has made some minor modifications to onboard service. The Union strongly feels this is not enough. Our members should not be required to serve passengers meal trays or beverages in the aisles. Furthermore, it is the Union’s position that the new service will create more opportunity for cross contamination as our members will now be picking up more garbage and service items that have been handled by passengers. The Union’s position is that onboard services should cease, and passengers be provided with beverages and snack boxes upon boarding.
If you have any further pressing questions, please reply to this email and we will do our best to get you an answer tomorrow.
Please also write to your management team with questions, as we ultimately do not have all the answers. Please copy the Union on the email, so that we may follow-up if necessary. It is imperative that the Company hears your concerns.
In solidarity,