days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Gender Policies

At our November Monthly Review, the Union mediated several grievances, including CHQ-19-17 (Unreasonable and Discriminatory Gender-Specific Personal Appearance Policy).  The Union was proud to mediate this particular case on November 20th, which is the annual Trans Day of Remembrance.

As part of the next steps for this grievance, the Union is seeking input from members uniquely affected by the Company’s arbitrary policies of gender specific uniforms and appearance standards.  We are seeking guidance from our trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming members, as well as other members who are affected by the Company’s gendered appearance policies.  We welcome feedback from both Mainline and Rouge flight attendants.

The information you share with us will help us understand the challenges that arise from the Company’s gender specific uniforms and appearance policies.  We want to ensure that we are fighting these policies with as much strength as possible.  The Union believes that the lived experiences and expertise of our members are key to achieving a just and fair result for this grievance.  Your voices are key.

We have created a survey in order to make it as easy as possible for you to share information with us.  Please click on the link below to take the survey.  We ask that you be as candid and honest as possible.

If you are willing to be contacted by the Union for follow-up, should that be necessary, please feel free to share your name and contact information with us.  Please note that identifying information is not necessary to participate, and the survey default allows for anonymity.

In solidarity,

Component Secretary-Treasurer’s Report – January 2020

Firstly, I would like to wish everyone a great start to 2020! It’s also time for an update on the Union’s finances as we have just passed the halfway point in our fiscal year.

Building Improvements
The Component’s main office is located at 25 Belfield Road. As part of this year’s budget, ACCEX approved capital improvements to our aging building.

We recently installed new windows in the entire building as well as a programmable thermostat. These two improvements have drastically increased our buildings efficiency, as both our Hydro and Gas bills show almost a 50% decrease in energy usage over the same period last year.   Not only is this great for the environment but it will also reduce our heating and cooling costs.

The interior of the building also received a fresh paint job in a more modern colour. It has helped to brighten up the building, please see the pictures below:


Component Trustees and Audits
Our external auditors are close to completing audits on the 2016, 2017, and 2018 Year Ends. The Component Trustees are scheduled, for two weeks at the end of this month, to conduct an audit on the remaining portion of the 2015 Year-end that was not audited last term.

Highest Earner Top-Up
Please see the table below for the highest earner in the bargaining unit for the past five months:

Block Month Highest Earner
Jul 2019 $9,521.33
Aug 2019 $9,896.00
Sep 2019 $9,825.33
Oct 2019 $9,350.00
Nov 2019 $9,290.00


Financial Report – First Half of 2019-20
During the first half of this fiscal year, we have brought in $2,578,653 in union dues.  From that amount we paid the Locals, $455,700, and paid $783,452, to CUPE National. We spent $598,121 on Committees and direct member to Union contact (grievances, lawyers, Health & Safety, etc.) at the Component Level.

In Solidarity,

Alex Habib
Secretary-Treasurer, Air Canada Component of CUPE

As A Matter Of Fact – Tip Of The Week – Why Unions Matter

There are times when some may ask themselves what does my Union do and why does it even matter. What am I getting for my Union dues? The reality is that Unions matter very much.  In the past present and future your Union has fought and will fight for good salaries, pensions, and health care benefits to name just a few.  This gives everyone the economic security to live out their life’s dreams, to send kids to college or university, to invest in their communities and to have a secure retirement. Having a Union assures you of a voice and a seat at the table. In the absence of Unions, the world would be ruled by Corporations and they would continue to weaken the gains that have been made and they would do so unchecked. We encourage you to drop in and see your Union representatives to really see what they do and to create a personal connection. In the end, the Union is only as strong as the support it is given.

Happy New Year!

January usually brings with it a resolution to do, think or be better in some way. This is true for a commitment to health and wellness in the form of a diet and gym pass, or a promise to yourself to break a bad habit.

The Union and your Component Executive are no different. Our resolution is to keep building on the relationship with our members with continued mutual respect, hard work and communication.

We look forward to working in 2020 both for you and with you, and we hope that it is collectively a year of great successes.

Happy New Year!

Happy Holidays!

We want to take the time this holiday season to let you know that what you do matters. The personal sacrifices that each and every one of our members makes during the holiday season should not go unnoticed.  All of the times that you are away from family and take time from your lives to get travellers safely from one place to another to be with their loved ones is meaningful but difficult work.  While everyone else is with their family and friends it is our members who are getting them there.

We want you to know that we are all here for you. If you have concerns or questions we encourage you to reach out to your local officers who are knowledgeable and can give you advice and guidance. You can find their contact information HERE.

If you have an urgent issue that requires immediate assistance you can reach out to our 24/7 email at

Wherever your travels may take you this holiday season, we want to wish you all the very best during this joyous time of year.

In solidarity,