days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Labour Day – September 2, 2019

Monday September 2nd, 2019 marks the celebration of Labour Day here in Canada. We ask that you take time out from your day to reflect on the importance of Labour Day and why it matters.

This as an opportunity to reflect upon the achievements of Unions here in Canada and around the world.  The fight of our predecessors was hard, but they persevered and were able to change the course of Canada’s history.

Unions have fought and continue to fight for safer working conditions, better pay, health benefits, retirement benefits, education and countless others that have raised the bar for all workers, Union and Non-Union  Each and every person working in this country and in our membership deserves dignity and respect and we are confident that the Labour movement will continue to work to preserve these rights.

We wish you a safe Labour Day weekend!

In solidarity,

Hong Kong Update

As protests and civil unrest continue in Hong Kong the Union contracted a security expert to provide a threat risk assessment for this layover.

To date Global Affairs Canada has not issued a travel advisory against Travel.

The Union has been advised that the location of the temporary hotel provides a superior level of safety to crews.

At this time the Union has been advised that it’s members should take certain extra precautions:

·       Refrain from taking any photographs or video footage while in Hong Kong. Do not take any images of local events (especially civil unrest).
·       Be aware that Westerners may be targeted by protesters to get their messages out to the world. As a result, Westerners may be targeted by local law enforcement or security forces for appearing to collaborate with protesters.
·       Be aware that regardless of your background and proficiency in local language and culture, you will be perceived as a Westerner. This includes those with family in Hong Kong.
·       Remain at the hotel if possible. This provides the highest degree of safety and avoids the possibility of becoming an unwitting target of protesters or police.
·       Do not engage in any political discussion or commentary between yourselves or with anyone else about the current events while on layover.
·       Do not send emails or other electronic messages back home regarding local events (especially civil unrest).
·       Advise or leave a message for the in-charge if you intend to leave the layover property.

General Precautions:

When travelling to countries in a time of heated politics your union recommends the following:

– Visit the Global Affairs website regularly, or download the government’s Travel Smart app. For your convenience we have provided the links below.

– Make sure to read your company communications to remain aware of any potential operational changes.

– Ensure to let someone from your crew know where you are when you go out, or leave a note in your room. Follow company procedures if you expect to be away from the hotel for an extended period of time.

– Should a serious event occur while on layover, ensure to contact the company via crew scheduling as soon as possible to advise of your status.

– Practice good “street smarts” while on layover: Avoid large gatherings and protests, avoid government buildings or locations of political or touristic significance , avoid politically provocative conversation , follow the advice and guidance of local authorities, try to remain aware of the local news while on layover. If in doubt about any local safety issues, consulting the hotel staff can be helpful.

Your union and its many resources remain at your disposal. We have included links to the Global Affairs Canada Hong Kong info page which you may want to download or print, as well as a link to the Global Affairs Canada App (see below). In the event that you are, or were affected by civil unrest in Hong Kong, please note that injury on duty includes resulting stress related to such potentially traumatic events. Should this be the case please contact the Union.

If you have any further questions or concerns with regards to operating in and out of Hong Kong, please reach out to your Local Union office for guidance.

Global Affairs Hong Kong Page:

Travel Smart App:

Union Resources: for a copy of the Union’s Layover Safety Guide

CUPE 2019 Agenda includes a copy of the Layover Safety Guide and important contacts to reach the Union any time

In solidarity,

Your Air Canada Component of CUPE Health and Safety Committee

CLC Changes – Bill C-63 & Bill C-86

Please see click “HEREto see the submission that was sent on behalf of all the Flight Attendants within our Ranks that will be affected by Bill C-86.  The Airline Division of CUPE encompasses all the Component Presidents, and for smaller Airlines, the Local Presidents within CUPE.  We meet quarterly to discuss the concerns that affect all Airlines, and in the past have reviewed and challenged 1:50, Air Rage, Air Quality, Health and Safety Legislation and now Bill C-86.

We will keep you posted, as we move forward with understanding the changes this Bill will afford on top of what we already have been presented.

Please reach out anytime,

In solidarity,

Coming Soon! NEW Component Website Launch

We would like to let you know that this week you will see some changes to the Air Canada Component of CUPE (ACCOC) website.

It is our intention to provide you with a more interactive way to communicate with us. Please take some time this week to check out the website and provide feedback.

We consider this to be a collaborative effort and it will improve the way we communicate with you when we hear from you about what you like and don’t like.

We have already received constructive feedback on our Social Media Survey which closes on August 22, 2019 and we will be using this to improve future survey offerings. Please be sure to fill out the Social Media Survey as it is a helpful tool for us.

It is through good communication and collaboration that we can all face the months and years ahead in a united and unshakeable collective.

You will receive instructions as to how to log in to the Members portal which is aligned with the launch.

DON’T FORGET – Up-Coming Component Officer Meet & Greet 
The Air Canada Component Officers will be in Calgary (YYC) on Tuesday August 20, 2019 and will hold a meet and greet in the Comm. Centre from 10:00h to 13:00h.  We will also be in Vancouver (YVR) on Wednesday August 21, 2019 at the Comm. Centre between 11:00h and 15:00h. We encourage you to drop by to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.   We would also appreciate any feedback on work issues that you encounter daily.  If you’re nearby (or even in between flights) and would like to chat with us, we’d be delighted to meet you.
Meet and greets are also being planned for Toronto and Montreal in the near future.

We look forward to seeing you there.

In solidarity,

Bladder Cancer


Bladder cancer is one of the more common cancers. 8,900 Canadians were diagnosed with it in 2017, with nearly three quarters of them male. As cabin crew, we may have been exposed to two known contributing factors at higher frequencies than other people in the general population.



Should you be affected by bladder cancer, or should you know a colleague or recent retiree who has, the Union is in contact with survivors who are willing to offer valuable support or assistance based on their experiences.

The Union’s workers compensation specialists may also be of assistance for any claims related to workplace exposure.

Please contact us should you be interested.

In solidarity,

Your Air Canada Component of CUPE Health and Safety Committee