days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

CORRECTION – Notice Of Upcoming Local Elections – 2024

For Local 4098 (Rouge) Members Only

The bulletin that was sent out on Monday had the wrong number of available Toronto Base Vice-President positions for Local 4098 in the Instructions for Candidates attachment.  The correct number of available Toronto Base Vice-Presidents for Local 4098 is three (3). The corrected Instructions for Candidates document is attached HERE in English or HERE in French.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Tabulating Committee

Notice Of Upcoming Local Elections – 2024

In accordance with the Air Canada Component Bylaws, anyone wishing to be nominated should adhere to the following information:

C.3 Notice of Local Officer Elections
C.3.1 Beginning in 2021 Local Officer Elections shall be held in March, last a minimum of ten (10) days and close at 12:00 noon EST on the final day of voting. Terms shall be as follows:
(a) President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer elections shall be held every two (2) years until 2021. As of 2021 these elections shall be held every three (3) years.
(b) A trustee election shall be held every year.

C.4 Nomination Procedures for Local Officer Elections
C.4.1 Members who wish to be nominated for a Local Officer position (Local President, Local Vice-President, Local Secretary-Treasurer, or Local Trustee) shall file nomination papers and a completed Oath of Nomination form, to be received by the Chairperson of the Component Tabulating Committee by February 15th in the calendar year preceding the Local Officer Elections. The Component Tabulating Committee shall have full responsibility for voting arrangements in accordance with these Bylaws.

C.4.2 A candidate may be nominated for only one (1) position and in doing so may only solicit signatures for one (1) intended position.  Candidates shall disclose their full name and intended position clearly on the nomination papers prior to soliciting signatures.

C.4.3 Nomination forms, as provided by the Component Tabulating Committee, must have signatures from lesser of either:
(a) Fifty (50) members of the eligible voters on the Local’s Membership List; or
(b) Five (5%) percent of the eligible voters on the Local’s Membership List.

C.4.4 The Oath of Nomination form (Appendix “F”) must be completed in its entirety in order to be accepted by the Tabulating Committee.

NOTE: For interested candidates, a complete instruction package with nomination sheets will be available on the Air Canada Component website or by clicking HERE for the English version or HERE for the French version. It is recommended that you read the complete instruction package.

DEADLINE: Completed Nomination Sheets and the Oath of Nomination must be received no later than, February 15, 2024, at 16:00 EST at the following address:
M9W 1E8

Nomination Sheets and the Oath of Nomination received after February 15, 2024 at 16:00 EST will NOT be accepted. The Tabulating Committee recommends sending your documentation by registered mail to ensure timely delivery and receipt.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Tabulating Committee

The Weekly Dispatch – Passport and MOT Expiration Dates

There have been numerous instances in which members were removed from flight duty due to an expired passport or M.O.T. card. This can result in a great disruption to your schedule. We want to help members avoid the stress of this disruption with this update.

Your Restricted Area Identity Card (RAIC) card renewal takes time to get an appointment and to wait for the processing. We recommend that you are proactive when renewing it and being mindful of the expiry date. As you are likely aware your passport must be valid for at least six months prior to expiry. In addition to this when you get an appointment and bring your passport in for renewal it is rendered “void” at the time you apply for it at the Passport Office.

Passport information must be updated in Netline-CrewLink a minimum of 24 hours prior to the beginning of your next flight or next pairing; any attempt to update information within that 24-hour period will likely not work.

If you have any questions about these processes they can be found via these paths:
Mainline – Cabin Crew Performance & Operations Standards Manual > About You > Administration
Rouge – ePub > About You > Corporate Policies

It can be difficult to manage a busy schedule and to allow time for the processing of your new passport or R.A.I.C. card. If you are having difficulty with this process or having long delays, we recommend that you reach out to your local office for advice and support.

Air Canada Component Trustees’ Audit Report & Secretary-Treasurer’s Response for the Audit Period July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017

In conjunction with the Secretary-Treasurer report, this report is to create an awareness of the Component’s finances, so that all members can know and understand how their dues are spent and if any improvements could be made.

Every year, two audits must be conducted on the Component’s financial books. One audit is done by professional auditors, who ensure accounting procedures are properly followed. For this period, chartered accountants Resnick & Company were the auditors (Please see attached Independent Auditors Report).

The other audit is done by the Component Trustees. Their role is to make sure the Secretary-Treasurer is complying with the rules and responsibilities set out by the CUPE Constitution, the Airline Division Bylaws and the Component Bylaws. To be more specific, the most important duty of any Secretary-Treasurer is to ensure all income owed to the Local(s) or Component is collected and properly spent.

This means ensuring that:
∙ Funds are spent the way the members intended.
∙ Financial mismanagement can be detected and reported.

Everyone who is an Air Canada Mainline and Air Canada Rouge CUPE member pays union dues without exceptions.

Air Canada deducts our union dues (1.5% of gross income) every month from our pay, and hands over the funds to the Component. In 2017, the year we are auditing, $5,190,975 million was collected in union dues. The Component Finance Administrator, divides these funds into three parts. Each Local with more than 2,000 members receives $8.00 for every member plus $600.00 base amount every month. The smaller Locals, those with less than 2,000 members, receive $8.00 for every member plus $3,250.00 base amount every month. The Component shall also remit an additional $3,000 a month for Locals with less than 500 members, as per the Component Bylaws: Section (8.4.1).

CUPE National receives $18.09 from every member and the remainder stays at the Component. To illustrate this: if $60.00 is deducted in union dues from a member, $8.00 would go to their Local, $18.09625 would go to CUPE National, and the remainder, approximately $33.91, stays at Component.

The Component also sends $0.10 cents for every member to the Airline Division of CUPE.

Our role as Trustees is to make sure that each Local and CUPE National gets their portion of funds, and the dues used by the Component are spent by the guiding rules of the CUPE Constitution, the Component Bylaws, Component Expense Policy and by you, the membership.

Like our previous report, we are six years behind in the Component Trustee audits largely due to the pandemic restrictions and the high turnover of Component Secretary-Treasurers and Trustees, but best efforts are being made to be up to date.

We met October 31st to November 3rd, 2023, to complete this audit.

To avoid confusion and provide greater clarity, we will state names when needed.  For the year we are auditing, the work of the former Component Secretary-Treasurers, Antonius Lam and Wesley Lesosky will be reviewed.

We have made some recommendations which we hope ACCEX (Air Canada Component Executive) will consider and adopt, but we recognize that many practices have changed and improved since 2017. For example, in 2017, the accounting system was upgraded to a Window based system.

Both Air Canada Mainline and Air Canada Rouge members will receive this report and we hope that all members will take some time to read it. We are available to answer any questions regarding this report at any ACCEX or local meeting, if invited as Component Trustees.


Ana Selke                         Benjamin Paneghel                   Marc Roumy

Click HERE to view the Trustees’ Report.

Click HERE to view the Secretary-Treasurer’s Response.

Cliquez ICI pour consulter le rapport des syndics.

Cliquez ICI pour consulter la réponse du secrétaire-trésorier.


Component Officers’ Election – 2024 – Vote Opened Today

The Air Canada Component Officers’ Election began today at 09:00 EST and will close at 12:00 EST on January 19, 2024.

The candidates running for Component positions are:

Air Canada Component President

Wesley Lesosky
Raymond Nakon
Isa Stahl
Air Canada Component Vice-President

Shifa Begmohamed
Robert Hatfield
Theresa Mitchell
Nadine Perrin
Karim Sheir

Air Canada Component Secretary-Treasurer

Lorna Holmes
Guillaume Leduc
Ingrid Watson

Enclosed in this package are the candidates’ resumes and ballot statements, which can be viewed by clicking on each of the candidates’ names above.  Links to the French resumes can be found below.

IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: You should have received a letter, by regular mail, directly from Simply Voting. This letter will contain a new Elector ID and Password, along with detailed instructions on how to vote online and by telephone. This same information was also emailed to you earlier this morning.

If you have not received either the letter from Simply Voting by regular mail, or the email this morning from Simply Voting, please email us at Please include ALL of the following information: your full name, your employee number, your telephone number, your mailing address, and your email address.

You have the option of voting by web, or by phone, as per Component Bylaws. You will need your new Elector ID and Password to access the system.

Once you have submitted your vote, the Simply Voting system will issue a printable electronic receipt. If you are voting by phone, you can only access your electronic receipt by logging into the Simply Voting system online.

If you are experiencing difficulties registering your vote, please e-mail or call 1-877-411-3552, extension 254 or (416) 798-3399, extension 254. Please provide us with your name, employee number, phone number, e-mail address, and postal code. We will respond as quickly as possible during business hours (weekdays 9:00am – 4:00pm EDT), however, please allow us 1 business day to respond.

We ask that everyone click HERE to review the Election Guidelines. These guidelines pertain not only to the candidates, but to the entire membership.

French resumes:

Président(e) de la Composante d’Air Canada

Wesley Lesosky
Raymond Nakon
Isa Stahl

Vice Président(e) de la Composante d’Air Canada

Shifa Begmohamed
Robert Hatfield
Theresa Mitchell
Nadine Perrin
Karim Sheir

Secrétaire-Trésorièr(e) de la Composante d’Air Canada

Lorna Holmes
Guillaume Leduc
Ingrid Watson

In Solidarity,

Your Component Tabulating Committee