days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Reminder of Time Line Limits for the WAGE INDEMNITY PLAN

14 days to see a Medical Practitioner from the first flt missed
You must see a medical professional within 14 days of the day you first miss work to qualify for benefits commencing on the 8th day of your disability.

Your Medical Practitioner is only required to complete one of the applicable forms; physical health condition, or mental health condition in the WIP Application package unless you have both conditions.

Note that the following medical professionals you are seeking treatment from may sign the Medical Practitioner’s Questionnaire:

  • MD (any traditional medical doctor / family physician / specialist)
  • Nurse Practitioner

The following medical professionals: Dentists, Midwives, Chiropractors, used as first point of contact for Medical Treatment, may sign the for disabilities of a duration of 14 days or less. You must be under the care of a medical doctor after 14 days for continuation of coverage.

Have your medical professional clearly indicate the diagnosis, complications (if any), treatment, medication and all dates of visits.

When utilising the Air Canada Maple app for an absence of 14 days or less, a Medical Practitioner’s Questionnaire is not required. Please obtain and submit a copy of the Medical Notes and Clinical Comments, available for you to download from within the Maple app, and submit with your other claim forms.

30 days for a submission of an application from first day of work missed
You must submit proof of disability WITHIN 30 DAYS of your first day of work missed.

If you are submitting your claim late (after 30 days) please provide a written explanation regarding the delay. You may not be entitled to receive benefits for any period prior to the date Manion receives all required documentation unless you can show sufficient reason in writing as to why you could not meet the deadline.

30 days to prepay for a LOA, from commencement of the LOA
Prepayment of premiums is required for an absence from the payroll of 16 or more calendar days. You must prepay the required premium in full within 30 days of the commencement of LOA in order to be eligible for benefit consideration following the end of the period.

If your leave of absence of 16 or more calendar days precedes your vacation and you have not prepaid the premium for that leave of absence, coverage will not be reinstated until you return to active work.

30 Days to pay for RBP Reduced Block program
Members participating in the Reduced Block Program have the option to top-up their Wage Indemnity Plan (WIP) insurable earnings at a flat rate of 35 hours per month in the event that you become disabled during the RBP. This will ensure that the month following the conclusion of your RBP, if you continue to be disabled, your top-up would then take effect and your earnings would be calculated.

Book-off – March 2024 – earnings based on Dec 2023 / Jan 2024 / Feb 2024 flying pay.
Dec flying hours – 38
Jan flying hours – 36
Feb flying hours – 34

For the 3 months, December, January and February, your 3 months average flying hours would be equal to 36 hours. You would be paid 36 hours through to the termination of your RBP in 2024, inclusive as long as you continue to meet the definition of totally disabled from your own occupation as a Flight Attendant. If you remain disabled and continue to qualify for benefits beyond the termination of the RBP, and if you opted to top-up, based on the calculation below, your disability payments would go from 36 hours to 71 hours per month.

The top-up for the RBP is 35 hours, and is based on your hourly rate x 3.8 % plus the Employer’s cost of 1.07% as well as applicable taxes.

30 Days from the end of EI carve out period
30 days to provide proof of disability from the termination of your disability benefits under the Employment Insurance act of Canada in order to reinstate your claim und the Wage Indemnity plan.

30 days from the Recurrence of a Disability
If you return to active work on a full-time basis following a period of total disability for which benefits were payable and, within 31 days, again become totally disabled due to the same causes, you will be considered to have been continuously disabled for the purposes of the elimination period. If the subsequent disability is due to entirely different causes and separated by less than one full day during which you are actively at work, you will be considered to have been continuously disabled for the purposes of the elimination period.

If you have questions on the Wage Indemnity Plan please contact me at

On Behalf of The Board of Trust,

Patricia Eberley
Administrative Consultant

NOTE:  All Policy Booklet information can be accessed on the Air Canada Component of CUPE web site

Manion, Wilkins & Associates
Plan Administration
626-21 Four Seasons Place
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9B 0A6

Switchboard: 416-234-5044
Toll Free Line:  1-800-663-7849
Fax: 416-234-0127
Contact Centre: 1-866-532-8999

Trudeau Government Sides With Big Airlines, Turns Blind Eye to Unpaid Work: CUPE

VANCOUVER, British Columbia–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The federal government says it will turn a blind eye to the issue of unpaid work in the airline sector, where flight attendants work an average of 35 hours unpaid every month, according to a petition response tabled in the House of Commons on Friday by Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan.

The petition, submitted by CUPE Airline Division President Wesley Lesosky and signed by over 17,000 Canadians, called on the federal government to close loopholes that allow big airlines to force flight attendants to perform hours of unpaid work every day. O’Regan’s office issued its official response to the petition on November 3, declaring it would be keeping those loopholes open.

“These are not the words of a minister who cares about workers being exploited by billion-dollar companies,” said Lesosky. “But now we know whose side Minister O’Regan and Prime Minister Trudeau are really on.”

CUPE’s Airline Division launched the Unpaid Work Won’t Fly campaign in April 2023 to draw attention to the issue of mandatory unpaid work within the airline industry, and filed the petition to the House of Commons as part of its campaign.

Lesosky thanked and acknowledged the thousands of CUPE members and citizens across Canada who signed the petition. “Our 18,500 members are engaged and determined, and we will not accept this reality going forward. We never expected this to be an easy fight, but we know this is just the first of many steps, and we know there’s light at the end of the tunnel. We’re going to end this abusive practice with or without the federal government’s help.”

CUPE will be filing complaints through the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB). Lesosky also acknowledged that the federal government’s refusal to act and end this injustice only increases the possibility of job action during future rounds of bargaining.

“Make no mistake: the federal government has chosen its side and failed to address this critical issue, leaving the door open to potential job action in the future which may have a negative impact on the public,” said Lesosky. “We hope the government takes the same hands-off approach in the future if this comes to pass during negotiations at the bargaining table.”

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

Interest Arbitration

The 2015-2025 agreement included two ‘reopeners’ – opportunities to bargain changes to the Collective Agreement. The re-opener language of the agreement contemplated that the Parties would try to negotiate a renewal and if an agreement was not achieved, the dispute would be referred to interest arbitration. Interest arbitration is a process in which an arbitrator determines what the Parties would have negotiated if a deal had been reached. The interest arbitration process agreed to in the 2015-2025 agreement, however, prohibits the arbitrator from awarding certain types of changes, for example, wage increases, allowances, job security, flow though, etc. This agreement further prohibits the arbitrator from awarding proposals that would increase Air Canada Mainline’s overall cost and it restricts them from awarding proposals that would increase Rouge’s unless certain conditions are met. In other words, the reopeners are quite limited, and not suitable to a high inflation environment, which obviously was not contemplated.

The first reopener took place following the expiry of the 2015-2019 Collective Agreement.  Arbitrator Ready’s interest arbitration award was issued in 2022.

The Parties have just completed the interest arbitration for the second reopener, following the expiry of the 2019-2022 Collective Agreement. The arbitration took place on October 23, 2023 before Arbitrator Eli Gedalof. We anticipate receiving the Arbitrator’s decision in the coming months.

In advance of the arbitration, the Parties were required to table interest arbitration proposals, and the proposals were required to comply with the limitations imposed by the Collective Agreement, described above.

The Union proposed the following:

1. Deadhead rescheduling: Permitting cabin personnel to modify deadhead flights that Air Canada assigns to them, subject to seat availability (proposed Article 19.13).

2. Onboard crew rest: Confirming that onboard crew rest entitlements provided for in letters of understanding 18 and 22 are based on the duration of the scheduled “or re-forecast” duty day, rather than only the scheduled duty day (Articles L18 and 22).

3. Galley bid position: Extending the ability for cabin personnel to bid for the “galley” position on flights, from certain Boeing 777 aircraft to all wide-body aircraft (Article B4.02.01.01).

As Mainline’s costs can’t increase pursuant to the re-opener terms, the Union’s Mainline proposals were no cost proposals.

1. Parking: Providing cabin personnel with airport parking passes (proposed Article L55.08.07).

2. Commission for onboard sales: Providing cabin personnel with a commission for onboard sales, to be divided equally between all operating crew members (proposed Article L55.07.07).

3. Draft procedure: Providing cabin personnel with credit protection when drafted from a scheduled pairing equal to the greater of the pairing dropped or the pairing operated and reinforcing the prohibition on drafting on “untouchable days off” (Article L55.14.12.01).

4. Prone rest: Ensuring that cabin personnel receive at least eight hours of prone rest at layover hotels (proposed Article L55.15.02.01).

5. Reassignment: Providing cabin personnel with compensation when subject to reassignment that adds “the value of the originally scheduled pairing” to the methods for calculating such compensation (Article L55.15.07).

The Rouge proposals are reasonable and justifiable in light of comparators and cost of living increases.

The Company proposed the following:

1. Special Assignments: Lengthening the term of all special assignments from one year to three, changing the ineligibility period, and other changes to the special assignment system.

2. LOU 1: In-Charge – Filling of Vacancies: Air Canada proposed to entirely eliminate seniority from the service director hiring requirements. It did so based on a bald and offensive allegation that senior flight attendants and current service directors do not have “the skills, ability, and qualifications required to successfully perform the role of Service Director”. It proposed to grant itself discretion to select service directors and to establish a new hiring process.

3. Award Sequence:  Air Canada proposed to change the award sequence to permit it to use the reserve assignment procedure “at any time in the award sequence at Air Canada’s discretion”. In other words, Air Canada has sought the right to bypass regular blockholders who are interested and available to perform the required flying, even when there is no operational need to do so. In practice, Air Canada will always choose to award flying to the cabin crew member with the lower pay entitlement.

4. Pre/Post Duty Period: Air Canada proposed to amend Article B5.02.01 to specify that Service Directors’ ground duty time be excluded from both duty period limitations and the calculations of guarantees and flight time limitations if they are required to report for duty earlier than the rest of their crew.  It proposed to reduce the entitlements to Service Directors.

5. Maximum Monthly Limitation: Air Canada proposed to make four main changes to the MML rule in article B5.01.01: permitting it to (1) increase the MML to a number between 80 and 85 hours, instead of 85 in all cases; (2) increase the MML in all months in a year, instead of four months; (3) increase the MML by 25 hours in a year, instead of 20; and (4) not provide an estimate to the Union of the months for which the MML will be increased.

6. LOU 46: B-777: Air Canada proposed to make one change to LOU 46: removing its obligation to provide any oxygen bottles in the crew rest unit to cabin personnel on such flights.

7. Printed Bid Packages: Air Canada proposed to remove any entitlement for the Union or its members to receive printed bid materials.

The Union opposed these seven concessionary proposals. In the previous interest arbitration re-opener on the heels for the pandemic, Air Canada had tabled only four proposals, including an MML-related concession, and a concessionary amendment to the Award Sequence. The arbitrator from the previous round declined to award both. This round, despite the airline being in a much stronger financial position and employees faced with increased costs of living, Air Canada tabled seven concessionary proposals, many of which have been rejected by the Union and its members in previous rounds. As indicated, it again table concessionary MML and Award Sequence proposals. The Union strongly opposes any concessions and made its position very clear to Arbitrator Gedalof. Financial analysis from an expert witness was filed in support of the Union’s position.

The Company did not table any Rouge proposals.

We await Arbitrator Gedalof’s award and will update you when we know the outcome of the interest arbitration.

In solidarity,