days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Contract Seminars – Save The Date

In our continuing efforts to support and educate the membership we will be moving forward with road shows on the Collective Agreement. We will be hosting contract seminars at each base. Toronto and Montreal will have Rouge and mainline contract seminars. The dates of these seminars can be found below:
Monday, November 6
– YVR 10:00-1300 VANCOUVER Mainline
Tuesday, November 7
– YYC 10:00-1300 CALGARY Mainline
Thursday, November 9
– YUL Mainline 10:00-1300 MONTREAL Mainline
– YMQ Rouge 13:00-1600 MONTREAL Rouge
Friday, November 10
– YYZ Mainline 10:00-1300 TORONTO Mainline
– YTO Rouge 13:00-1600 TORONTO Rouge
The seminars will be presented by your Local Presidents and Vice Presidents in conjunction with the Component Grievance Committee and Component Executive. We collectively place great value on the education of the membership. When you have a solid understanding of the Collective Agreement language, and the block rules, it provides you with confidence to challenge the employer when they are telling you what your rights and responsibilities are. If you have any questions about this, please reach out to us at
We will also be sending a follow up bulletin to have you RSVP.
In solidarity,

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – September 30th

Before we begin, I would like to acknowledge that as I write this bulletin, I am sitting on the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. We express gratitude for the opportunity to live and work on this land and pay our respects to its Indigenous custodians, past and present.

Today is a great day to embark on a journey of self-education and enlightenment. By exploring the history, we can gain a deeper understanding of the events, cultures, and people that have shaped our world. It’s essential to recognize that knowledge is a powerful tool, and by familiarizing ourselves with the past, we can better navigate the present and influence the future. Let’s seize this day as an opportunity to expand our horizons and appreciate the rich tapestry of stories that history offers.

Your Component Diversity Committee is dedicated to emphasizing the significance of this day throughout the years. Truth and reconciliation are ongoing efforts that should be pursued daily. This principle will hold a prominent position within the committee, allowing us to wholeheartedly embrace and celebrate our roots.

The reasons why we wear an orange t-shirt have become a symbolic gesture of remembrance and solidarity, rooted in the tragic history of residential schools in Canada. The origin of this movement traces back to Phyllis Webstad, a Northern Secwepemc woman from the Stswecem’c Xgat’tem First Nation. As a young girl, Phyllis was excited to wear her new orange shirt on her first day at a residential school. However, upon her arrival, the shirt was taken away from her, symbolizing the loss of her identity, culture, and the personal violations she and so many others endured at these institutions. The “Orange Shirt Day” movement, observed annually on September 30th, emerged from Phyllis’s story. Wearing an orange t-shirt serves as a powerful visual reminder of the harm these schools inflicted on Indigenous children and the lasting impact they have on Indigenous communities. It’s a call for awareness, education, and reconciliation, urging us to remember the past and work towards a future where every child’s life and culture are valued and recognized.

Here are some guidelines and resources to further understand land acknowledgments:

To support local event:

Support our cause with a donation:

Empower through learning:

Discover a world within these pages:

– Five Little Indians / Cinq petits Indiens (Michelle Good)
– Kuei, My Friend: A Conversation on Race and Reconciliation / Kuei, je te salue : conversation sur le racisme (Deni Ellis Béchard, Natasha Kanapé Fontaine)
– A Short History of Indians in Canada / Une brève histoire des Indiens au Canada (Thomas King)

In solidarity,

Olivier Faucher-Boisjoli
Co-Chair, Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Air Canada Pilots – Informational Picketing Event

Our colleagues at ALPA will be holding an informational picket tomorrow at Toronto Pearson Airport to raise awareness for their right to better wages and working conditions. They have been locked into the same ten-year collective agreement that we have. It is now their opportunity to seek improvements for their members. We may be in a very similar position in 2025 and are providing our full support and encouragement to our pilot colleagues.

At this information picket there will be pilots from other air carriers there to lend their support and to show solidarity. Now is the time to take power and to show our employer the unity and solidarity between its unions. We wish ALPA every success in their negotiations and beyond.

In solidarity,

Co-Operators Insurance Company

Your Component Officers are always looking for creative ways to lighten the financial burden of our members. We have been consulting with the Co-Operators Insurance Company to see if they are able to offer group rates that may be cheaper than your current home and auto insurance costs.  We are pleased to say that we have come to an agreement with them, and they are offering quotes to the membership. Please see the details below. Our group code is Air Canada Component of CUPE. We hope that this is successful and look forward to hearing from you.