days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Reminder on Bed Bugs and Reporting Procedures

Your Hotel Committee has received a higher-than-normal volume of concerns around bed bugs. We have investigated all reports, along with the Company, and today received reports confirming no bed bug activity. We thought it was a good time to put out a reminder on bed bugs and reporting procedures.

When you get to your hotel room you must use caution with your belongings. Assume that all hotel rooms are potentially infested. Never place anything on the floor. Use the luggage rack, and do not leave your suitcase open against the wall. Do not keep your belongings on chairs or sofas. If you have both a bathtub and shower, place your bags in the bathtub. Bed bugs cannot climb up porcelain and glass. Putting suitcases in plastic bags may not help unless they have an airtight seal.

You may find bed bugs often in tight dark spaces, on night tables, baseboards, dressers, headboards, bedding, beds, electrical outlets, carpets, rugs, picture frames, switch plates, inside clocks, phones, televisions, and smoke detectors. Thus, they can be found anywhere in an infested area, but they do not like plastic, glass, or metal. In cases of severe infestation, bed bugs may crawl onto and be carried by clothing, this type of behavior is not typical, one can almost certainly see the bed bugs.  You may find blood spots on sheets or black / brown spots on mattresses, bed frames or walls. They are mainly active at night, and their bites are not always immediately detected.

We urge you to familiarize yourself with what actual bed Bugs look like. This will avoid unnecessary stress if you see bugs in your hotel room. They are light tan in colour but turn dark-reddish brown once they have fed on blood. They have no wings (i.e., they don’t fly or jump). They resemble an apple seed. Before feeding the adult bed bug is about ¼ inch long and flattened. Once engorged with blood, it swells in size. Their flattened shape allows them to squeeze into narrow places in bed frames, headboards, bedside furniture, behind pictures, switch plates, and electrical sockets. Nymphs have the same shape as adult bugs but are yellowish white in color. Eggs are 1 mm long and white (nearly impossible to see).

As per Health Canada, bed bugs do not pose any major health risks, they are not known to carry any blood-borne diseases, and do not indicate a lack of cleanliness. It is important to note that everyone reacts differently to bed bug bites, some have no reaction at all, while others may have a delayed allergic reaction causing redness, swelling and itchy welts to the affected area.

What to do if you find bed bugs on a layover?
1. Immediately request to change rooms, preferably to one on a different floor.
2. Fill out an ACF34-C stating the hotel name, date and room number. Give a copy of the ACF34-C to your CUPE Health and Safety Committee representatives.
3. Fill out a Crew Care report via the Aeronet portal, print and give a copy to your CUPE Health and Safety Committee representatives.
4. If you have been bitten, fill out an ACF32-8 Injury Report. Give a copy of the 32-8 to your CUPE Health and Safety Committee representatives.
5. Wash everything upon your return home in hot water and use the high dryer cycle for at least 20 minutes. Luggage should not be forgotten and can be treated by immersion in 50 degrees Celsius + water in the bathtub for 20 minutes if the freezer is too full! Bed bugs die in temperatures of 0 degrees or less over a 48-hour period, your freezer could be of use for un-washable items.
6. Call a pest control specialist if you know or think you have a problem at home. A good one will perform a thorough and free initial inspection and provide an estimate that is guaranteed. Many pest control specialists will guarantee no re-occurrence for as many as 3 to 6 months after the first treatment which can save you hundreds of dollars if further treatments are needed.

For more information, click HERE to view a Bed Bug Fact Sheet and visit the websites linked below.

Government of Canada:

If you think you have been exposed to bed Bugs, make sure you fill out a Crew Care form.

In Solidarity,

Melinda Allen
Co-Chair, Component Hotel Committee

Reserve Airport Standby and What Counts Towards the Limit – Update (CHQ-22-20)

Dear Mainline Reserve Members,

As you aware, there has been a long standing dispute between the Company and the Union regarding what counts towards the two (2) standby limit found in Article B8.20.02.

The matter proceeded to arbitration on May 24, 2023.  Although the outcome is not what we hoped for, we are happy that we now have clarity on how the Collective Agreement is to be interpreted.  In a nutshell, airport standby counts towards the limit of two (2) only when that is what you are assigned at the outsetIf you are already at the airport because you are assigned to operate a pairing, and are then placed on airport standby because you are no longer required for that pairing, (i.e. cancellation) that airport standby does NOT count towards the two (2) airport standby limit. 

An excerpt from the arbitration award states as follows: (Click HERE to see full award)
“The collective agreement is clear: there is a limitation on being required to report to duty for standby at the airport. Absent the trigger, Air Canada cannot require Reserve Blockholders to report to the airport to go on standby more than twice in a month. The reason for this restriction is obvious. When required to report to the airport, the Reserve Blockholder must actually go to the airport – that is what report to the airport means – to leave where they were, attend at the airport in uniform, with crew baggage ready, etc., and be on standby to wait for assignment. This is a completely different situation than a Reserve Blockholder at the airport who has their flight cancelled and is placed on standby. One cannot be required to report to the airport when one is already at the airport (which appears to have been the case with the individual grievors).”

Collective Agreement Language
B8.20 AIRPORT STANDBY: A Reserve Blockholder may be required to report to the airport to remain on standby for possible flight assignment. The duty period, for limitation purposes, will begin at the required reporting time. If a flight is operated, the duty period will be applicable for pay purposes.
B8.20.01 Airport standby will be rotated among Reserve Blockholders to effect time balancing but will NOT be assigned to the same employee on more than two (2) consecutive days.
B8.20.02 An employee will not be required to report for airport standby more than twice in any block month unless all other reserve at that Base have in that month been required to report for airport standby twice.
B8.20.03 Airport standby will be for a maximum of four (4) consecutive hours. Assignment may be made to a flight departing within or after the four (4) hour period. If no assignment is made s/he will be released for a legal rest.
B8.20.04 If s/he does not operate a flight, an employee shall receive a credit of one half (½) of the actual time involved in the duty period with a minimum credit of four (4) hours. This credit will be applicable for both pay and limitations.

As a reminder to our reserves, Article B8.20.02 still specifies a limit of two (2) and you can only be assigned a third airport standby AFTER all other reserves (at your base in that block month) have been assigned airport standby twice. Ensure to ask scheduling if other reserves at your base have been assigned twice before they assign you to your third airport standby.

Please contact your Local Union Office immediately if you are assigned a third airport standby if other reserves have not been assigned twice, and the company has not removed it after it was brought to their attention.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Grievance Committee

Sick Leave Policies Update – Two (2) More Policy Grievances Filed

As a follow up to the bulletin we issued on June 7, 2023 regarding sick leave substantiation (CLICK HERE to view), we would like to advise you that the Union has filed two (2) more policy grievances on this matter.

CHQ-23-41, found HERE, is about the time limit the Canada Labour Code specifies regarding when employees need to provide a certificate (issued by a health care practitioner) to Air Canada to substantiate a book off.   The Canada Labour Code specifically states:

“You must provide one in writing if requested by your employer within 15 days of your return to work”.

Air Canada is asking that you provide the certificate within 10 days from book on (your return to work), which is a violation of the Canada Labour Code.

CHQ-23-42, found HERE, is about the way Air Canada is improperly calculating how many sick days you have used to support their new blanket policy of requesting notes for book offs of 5 days or more.  Air Canada is basing their request on how many calendar days you have booked off on. However our Collective Agreement clearly specifies the calculation that must be used, which is based on twenty-four hour periods or less starting from commencement of your next scheduled duty period, found in Article 9.

9.04.01 Sick Leave Charged – Where a Regular Blockholder reports unavailable for duty as a result of sickness, his/her sick leave credits shall be charged one (1) day for each period of twenty-four (24) hours or less, excluding guaranteed days off, calculated as follows:

Commencement: The commencement of the next scheduled duty period.
Termination: The actual time reported available for duty.

NOTE: An employee will be charged at least one (1) day of sick leave for each book off if the first flight in his/her cycle is missed and no other flight is operated on that day.

9.05.01 Sick Leave Charged – Where a Reserve Blockholder reports unavailable for duty as a result of sickness, his/her sick leave credits shall be charged one (1) day for each period of twenty-four (24) hours or less excluding guaranteed days off calculated as follows:

Commencement: The actual time s/he is unavailable for duty on a scheduled Reserve Duty Day.
Termination: The actual time reported available for duty.

Please reach out to your Local Office with your examples that will support our policy grievances.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

EAP Update – Week of June 12, 2023

Zoom Meeting to Support Flight Attendants

It is with great pleasure that your EAP committee is able to announce the continuation of our support meetings with Dr. Johanna O’Flaherty. The first meeting will take place via zoom at 12:00ET on Tuesday, June 13, 2023.

The idea for Cabin Crew, is to have a safe and supported space where we can share amongst each other, the challenges our work environment often present to us. This meeting is confidential and is available to you for support!

For the Airline industry, the Pandemic was disastrous, not only on the ground, but also in the air. As front line workers, Cabin Crew were faced with many challenges, often maintaining a smile under the worn protective safety gear. Not only did we maneuver through our workspace, we were also faced with worries about our health, our job security, and the wellbeing of our loved ones and those close to us. Now, where do we stand? How are we managing?

Dr. O’Flaherty has had a love story for the aviation world since the late 70’s. Johanna was originally a Flight Attendant with Pan American Airlines and went on to develop and manage their employee assistance program for the next 20 years.

In the past 25 years, Johanna has been a catalyst for healing through many traumatic situations. During her career, she’s had the privilege to assist directly with the aftermath of major airline disasters, such as Pan Am Flight 103, 911 in New York, and TWA’s flight 800 near Long Island. She has recently assisted First Responders and Last Responders, in the aftermath of the Las Vegas Shooting.

Johanna was also the Vice President of Treatment Services at the Betty Ford Center and has dedicated her life’s work to focusing on the correlation between traumatic situations, addiction, and healing. She is also a certified instructor from the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation and has been featured on ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN.

Johanna is a psychologist, author, consultant and keynote speaker. She’s also just published her memoirs.

Most importantly though, Johanna has been a personal friend, a huge advocate, and an immense supporter of our group of Cabin Crews.

Please join us and check in for an hour! If you are interested in attending the meeting, please email to be added to the zoom link. This space is for you. We heal together, supporting one another!

Grief Support

For our members and their families who have suffered the loss of a loved one. Grief can be challenging and difficult to process. Learning more about grief can be helpful.

Sean McGuire will be hosting a grief support session via zoom on Friday, June 23, 2023 at 1:00pm EDT. Please register at if interested.

Sean is a Service Director based in YYZ who has volunteered with the Employee Assistance Program since 2006. He holds a Masters Degree in Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy from Wilfrid Laurier University and is a member of the Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals.

Recovery Meetings

The EAP committee provides confidential biweekly meetings, via Zoom, to support the membership in recovery or for those interested in recovery.

Please contact Vanessa Beaudoin-Grégoire at to register or if you any queries.

Finding EAP and further resources on Aeronet

To access information about EAP please follow these easy steps:
Log into ACAeronet
Click on the UBY Tab
If you haven’t already signed in to UBY you will need to Read the “Unlock the Best In You Terms of Use”.
Once in UBY you will see many services available to you.
To find your EAP Reps, please click on EFAP in the top right-hand corner.

Now Available ONLINE! 
Your Employee Assistance Program

Homewood Pathfinder is your new, advanced platform – accessible online and through the Homewood app – that connects you with a full range of Homewood employee assistance services. Pathfinder helps you navigate to the right service in an easy, friendly and convenient way.

A few key features of Homewood Pathfinder include:

  • Access to mental health supports including MeetNow immediate counselling, and online booking at your convenience
  • Solutions for stress, burnout and other challenges
  • On-demand health and wellness resources
  • Family and relationship support

And much more…

Your Customer Account Name is: Air Canada Component of CUPE
Your Invitation Code is: ACC481​​​​​​​

Log in today to start taking advantage of all your employee assistance program benefits online!
Log In / Sign Up

Welcome to Homewood Pathfinder and the start of your new digital EAP & Mental Health journey.
View Additional Resources
Introducing Sentio by Homewood Health 
Sentio Self-Directed iCBT is the market’s most comprehensive digital cognitive behavioural therapy platform – developed for Canadians by Homewood’s mental health experts. With a wealth of content created by a team of our experienced clinical professionals, Sentio contains over 20 unique treatment goals for issues like stress management, improving sleep, managing depressive thoughts, and coping with panic – as well as a collection of tools and resources to help members build skills and change their thought patterns. iCBT has been proven to be an effective therapy for mild to moderate depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. Sentio by Homewood Health makes it more convenient and effective than ever before – available as a standalone app, on mobile, tablet and desktop.

Sentio introduces a number of unique, market-leading features:
• Over 20 unique treatment goals such as stress management, managing depressive thoughts, improving sleep and coping with panic.
• Members can work through treatment goals in any order, at their own pace.
• Integrated symptom measurement and progress tracking.
• Interactive multimedia learning and cognitive exercises to enhance learning.
• Progress, learnings, and exercises that have been accessed are available to be re-accessed for 12 months.

As part of Homewood Pathfinder, you will have access to Sentio as of September 19th, through, Homewood Pathfinder and on the Apple and Google Play stores.

Sentio Self-Directed iCBT is part of a new employee assistance and mental health platform that combines multiple levels of support with leading-edge technology and Homewood’s mental health expertise.

See below for a Sentio information kit.
Sentio Information Kit

In Solidarity,

Vanessa Beaudoin-Grégoire
Chair, Component EAP Committee

2023 Airline Division Convention and CUPE National Convention

The Airline Division Convention will be held on October 22, 2023 in Québec, QC.

The Canadian Union of Public Employees (“CUPE”) National Convention will be held at The Québec City Convention Centre in Québec, QC, from October 23 to October 27, 2023, inclusive.

Air Canada Component Representation
Representation from each Local for delegates to the Airline Division Convention and the CUPE Convention shall be in accordance with the CUPE Constitution.

The number of delegates for the Air Canada Component is as follows:

Local 4091 – YUL Interim Local President + Interim Component Secretary-Treasurer + 4 delegates 6
Local 4092 – YYZ Local President + 9 delegates 10
Local 4094 – YVR Local President + Component President + 4 delegates 6
Local 4095 – YYC Local President + 2 delegates 3
Local 4098 – Rouge Local President + 3 delegate 4

* Each Local may also elect one alternate delegate.  An alternate delegate shall only be permitted on the floor of the Convention while replacing a delegate from the same chartered organization and while in possession of that delegate’s badge.

Interested in being a Delegate?
You must collect signatures on the Delegate Nomination Paper in the Delegate Package (la trousse de délégué). Members wishing to be nominated must have 50 signatures or 5% of the ‘Local’ eligible voters, whichever is the lesser (see below for 5% requirements).


Local Minimum signatures required
4091 – YUL 50 signatures
4092 – YYZ 50 signatures
4094 – YVR 50 signatures
4095 – YYC 23 signatures
4098 – Rouge 34 signatures

If more Delegates apply than there are positions, an election will take place. You can download a detailed package, which includes nomination papers, from the Component website: or by clicking HERE (ou cliquez ICI). If you have any questions, please email

ORIGINAL signed delegate nomination papers must be received by the Component Tabulating Chairperson at 25 Belfield Road, Etobicoke, ON, M9W 1E8, no later than 16:00 EDT on July 11, 2023. Candidates must complete each Nomination Sheet in its entirety.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Tabulating Committee