days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Bargaining Survey Extension

Your Union has reviewed the feedback received over the weekend and the completed surveys to date. We are very pleased to see that members were able to locate the survey and/or received the new survey link that was sent out.

To ensure that the optimum number of members have been able to fill out the survey we have decided to extend the timeline to June 20, 2024, at 23:59 EDT.  We hope that this extension will allow those members who wish to complete the survey sufficient time to do so.

If you still have not received the survey link, please email You will receive a notification when the link is sent. Ensure you include your Name, Email, Base, Employee Number and Airline. Having all of this information will help to expedite the process.

Please also reference the bulletin sent out Friday June 14, 2024 HERE for help on how to search for the survey.

We appreciate that this process has been frustrating for some of our members. We are reviewing the events and shortcomings in the process. We commit to ensuring that these survey processes are streamlined. We assure you that there has been no compromise to the survey or the integrity of its findings. Each survey completed has been captured and is associated with a unique link and email address. The confidential nature of all survey responses is still preserved. We will continue to monitor this situation and value the time and attention that you have given.

With more than a 50% response rate, the survey response numbers to date are unprecedented which bodes very well for the participation of the membership and the strength that we will gather from it. Going forward we will only pick up more momentum and membership engagement. These are exciting times for us all and we look forward to where this road will take us.

In solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee

Pension Committee Update #2 – June 2024

Defined Benefit vs Hybrid Plan:
How are pension benefits different at retirement?

We encourage members to read this bulletin in its entirety.
Dear members,

Ever wondered what the difference would be retiring under a Defined Benefit (DB) versus a Hybrid plan?

Members hired on or after November 7, 2011, are on a Hybrid plan.  Members hired before this date, are on a full Defined Benefit (DB) plan.  You can read a general explanation on the difference between a DB and Hybrid plan by clicking HERE.
What is the difference at retirement?
The following is to show members the difference between a pure DB pension plan versus a Hybrid plan in terms of pension benefits.

NOTE: This bulletin will compare the pure DB pension plan against the DB component of a Hybrid plan.  It is important to know that the DB component represents 50% of a Hybrid plan.  The other 50% of the Hybrid plan comprises of a Defined Contribution (DC) component which is managed by Manulife.

Also note, the contribution rate and the formula of the DB component of the Hybrid plan is almost half of the legacy DB plan.  As an example, for the pure DB plan, members contribute 4.5% up to the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings* (YMPE) plus 6% above the YMPE.  Whereas, for the DB component of the Hybrid plan, the maximum a member can contribute between 15 to 35 years of service is 3%.  (Contribution rates and the pension formula for Mainline Hybrid members and Air Canada Rouge members are identical.)

*YMPE is set by the government every year.
Example 1** – Annual pension amount for members on a pure DB pension plan retiring at 65 years old:

A member on a pure DB plan retiring on January 1, 2016, at the age of 65 years old. 
With 35 years of allowable service.
Average Annual Compensation of $60,000.
Average YMPE of $52,400.
Would receive an Annual Pension of $37,415.
Example 2** – Annual pension amount from the DB component of the Hybrid plan, when retiring at 65 years old:

A member receiving pension benefits from the DB component of the Hybrid plan, retiring on January 1, 2051 at the age of 65 years old.
With 35 years of allowable service.
Average Annual Compensation of $60,000.
Average YMPE* of $52,400. (*Using 2016 figures and assuming no change until 2051.)
Would receive an Annual Pension of $13,572.

**The examples used are the last update provided by the company, which can be referenced in the Employee Pension Booklet.

There is a difference of $23,843 between the pure DB plan and the DB component of the Hybrid plan.  As stated above, the DB component represents 50% of the Hybrid plan, with the DC (Defined Contribution), representing the other 50% of the Hybrid plan.

Would the DC component of the Hybrid plan cover the difference of $23,843?
Projecting the return of a DC plan is difficult as there are many variables.  The return for a DC plan is dependent on the amount invested, the type of investment style one chooses, the annual rate of return, the length of time invested and the market condition upon retiring. 
Are you a member of the Hybrid plan? If yes, boost your pension contributions as soon as you can!
As shown above, it would be advantageous for members under a Hybrid plan can increase their contributions for the Defined Contribution (DC) component of their pension plan.

A new member who contributes $100 into their DC plan, are matched at 100%.  Therefore, a member who contributes $100 will have $200 in their DC account.

By taking advantage of this matching, members benefit by compounding their money.  The more money one puts in early in one’s career, the greater the benefit over time.

For more information about increasing your DC pension contributions at Manulife, click HERE.


Your Component Pension Committee

Marc Roumy (Chairperson)
Henly Larden (Member)
Caroline Lozeau Gelinas (Member)
Stefanie Falotico (Rouge Member)

Bargaining Survey Update

As we have received multiple requests for the survey to be resent, due to it being marked as spam in many members’ inboxes, we wanted to send an update and explain what has transpired and assure you that the integrity of the survey and the process is what will continue to guide us.

First, thank you to all those that reached out to request a resend. The process is a slow one as we need to verify your name, email, employee number, base and airline.  From there, we send this information to CUPE National assigned staff who load it into Lime Survey, which is the platform that maintains the survey, assures it’s anonymous and maintains the integrity of the replies.

When Lime Survey gets the lists to process, this can take several hours as it needs to regulate the time it takes so that there is no bounce back, and no spam flagged.

To clarify, it is not coming from the same IP address or server that the regular bulletins come from, it is separate, and that is why many of you have noted you get the emails from Component and have yet to get the survey.

Most members have found the email in their spam/junk accounts, or if you do a search for “Air Canada Component 2024 Bargaining Survey // Sondage sur la négociation 2024 – Composante Air Canada” you should find it.

Further, we have asked for an explanation as to what happened, and an in-depth view was provided below:

Spam detection is a crucial task for email service providers, as it helps protect users from unwanted, malicious, or fraudulent messages. However, spam detection is not a perfect science, and sometimes legitimate emails may be mistakenly flagged as spam by the receiving server, resulting in delivery failures or delays. It is a complex process that involves multiple factors and algorithms. The methods used to identify spam are not mutually exclusive and email service providers may use a combination of them to determine the spam score on an email, which is a numerical value that indicates the likelihood of email being spam. The spam score is then compared to a threshold value, which is set by the email service provider or the recipient to decide whether to reject or accept the email.

There are several scenarios where emails may not get through the receiving server and not from the sender. The most common reasons are suspicious content and/or strict or customized recipient settings. Certain keywords, phrases or patterns, misleading subject lines, links or coded HTML can cause the receiving server to flag emails as spam. If the recipient has set their spam filter settings to a high level or has created custom rules or filters to block or allow certain senders, domains, or keywords, the receiving server may also reject emails that do not match the criteria, even if the sender is reputable and the content is relevant.

Whitelisting inbound emails from specific senders will bypass spam filters and ensure delivery of emails. It is difficult to assess what scenarios members are running into without being provided a spam detection report from them as it could be anything, from the survey link, the subject line, the volume of emails being sent, a character in the body of the email text etc.

Further, the survey is one of the consultations we will be having with members in the coming months.  There are also road shows planned:

– YVR – July 8, 2024 from 10:00h to 12:00h PT (Sheraton Wall Center)

– YUL – July 16, 2024 from 10:00h to 13:00h ET (Marriott Airport Hotel In Terminal)

– YYZ – July 23, 2024 from 10:00h to 13:00h ET (Sheraton Gateway Hotel – O’Hare Room, YYZ Airport, Terminal 3) *New Location*

– YYC – July 30, 2024 from 10:00h to 12:00h MT (YYC Airport Silver Dart Meeting Room)

These road shows can be attended by any member, from any base and will be done in person.

We also want to share that as of 1700EST we have had 42% of the membership submit their surveys, and we want to ensure all of you get an opportunity to do so.  We will review the numbers Monday and give a further update then, and if we need to look at extending, we will, as the goal is to ensure YOUR voice is heard.

For those that have searched and could not find the survey, and if you still do not receive it by Saturday evening, please send an email to and ensure you supply your Name, Base, Employee Number, Email and advise if you are a Mainline or Rouge member.

We appreciate your patience, and trust you can appreciate we want a clean, clear and reliable survey to move your items forward in 2025.

In solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee

The Weekly Dispatch – Injury On Duty

You may obtain information about injury on duty, which includes stress from a potentially traumatic event, by emailing This is applicable to both Air Canada Mainline and Air Canada Rouge members. You are also encouraged to reach out to your Local Health and Safety Committee.

REMINDER: Only a few days left to complete the Air Canada Component survey on collective bargaining priorities

As you are aware, our Collective Agreement expires on March 31, 2025, and your Union wants to arrive at the bargaining table knowing that they can count on your solidarity and support. To do so, your Bargaining Committee has put together this survey designed to gauge your priorities moving forward. This is the first step to see what the members’ concerns and demands will be for this historic bargaining period. Each completed survey is important. Your confidential input will guide us before and during bargaining.

Please complete this survey by June 17, 2024.

If you did not receive the survey email, please check your spam or junk folder. If you still have not received it, please reach out to us at Please provide your full name, email address and employee number.

The highlights of the Bargaining Survey will be presented in person at the ACCEX (Air Canada Component Executive) road shows in July on the following dates:

– YVR – July 8, 2024 from 10:00h to 12:00h PT (Sheraton Wall Center)

– YUL – July 16, 2024 from 10:00h to 13:00h ET (Marriott Airport Hotel In Terminal)

– YYZ – July 23, 2024 from 10:00h to 13:00h ET (Sheraton Gateway Hotel – O’Hare Room, YYZ Airport, Terminal 3) *New Location*

– YYC – July 30, 2024 from 10:00h to 12:00h MT (YYC Airport Silver Dart Meeting Room)

All members from any base, Mainline or Rouge, are welcome to attend any session.

Thank you for your input,

Your Bargaining Committee