days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Retirement of Mary Keough National Coordinator EAP

The Air Canada Component of CUPE Executive would like to inform all members that an important Committee Chairperson is retiring from their position.  Mary Keough, our Employee Assistance National Coordinator, is retiring after 43 years of service.  Mary has worked in the role of the National Coordinator for 16 years. In those 16 years she transformed our EAP program and made it what it is today.

Mary and her team were there to support countless members and help them navigate the program and seek much needed help.  She created an inclusive and supportive program for our members with addiction issues and championed numerous initiatives such as mindfulness training, EFT training and grief counselling just to name a few.

Mary has made herself available to members during some of the most difficult times of their lives. During the COVID-19 pandemic she continued to educate the membership about good mental health, the importance of mindfulness and to let members know that they had access to many invaluable resources.

Mary has given much of her own time to ensure that members in crisis were supported and followed on their difficult journeys.  This is just a small example of how dedicated and committed she has been throughout her tenure with the committee. Her willingness to put in extra time and effort to help those who struggled has demonstrated a commitment to excellence that we have come to depend upon. She has been a friend to all with her thoughtfulness and quiet encouragement.

We wish her the very best in this next chapter of her life.  May you be proud of all the work you have done and the difference you have made.

In solidarity,


It’s Safety Week!

It’s Safety Week!

Last chance to spin the Wheel of Safety!!! After this, it’s another 360 day wait….

Join your health and safety committees in the crew centre to talk about everything layover safety and get familiar with our inflight and layover medical services. Spin the wheel for a chance to win a draw for shine points!

In solidarity,

Your Air Canada Component of CUPE Health and Safety Committee

It’s Safety Week!

It’s Safety Week!

Did you wake up today wondering how you could protect your back when handling luggage? Neither did we!

But it’s an important issue that can keep you healthy and able to enjoy work and life! Join us in the crew centre anyways to talk Pristine and test your abilities at safety manipulating luggage through security!

In solidarity,

Your Air Canada Component of CUPE Health and Safety Committee

It’s Safety Week!

It’s Safety Week!

Yoohoo! Do you know who we are?

It’s ok. The last three years have been nuts, and it’s time we get to know each other again! Knowing your committee and what they’re doing is a great way to stay engaged in workplace safety!

Join us in the crew centre today for a chat and to play Wheel of Safety for a chance to win Shine points.

In solidarity,

Your Air Canada Component of CUPE Health and Safety Committee