days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Crew Rest Committee Update – New Service Enhancements And Onboard Crew Break/Rest

(This applies to Air Canada Mainline only)

On October 21st, our Component Officers issued a bulletin pertaining to the new service changes, reporting for duty, pre-flight and boarding safety checks and duties.  If you missed that bulletin, please click HERE.  The Component Crew Rest Committee would like to compliment the recent Component Officer’s bulletin by reminding the membership of your contractual onboard crew break and rest times.


**Flights scheduled or re-forecasted on day of departure of 7:01hrs-8:00hrs gate to gate flying time
– Cabin Crew are permitted to take a break for up to one (1) hour

Flights scheduled or re-forecasted on day of departure of 8:01hrs-11:29hrs gate to gate flying time
– Cabin Crew are permitted to take a break for one (1) hour

B14, LOU18, LOU22A, LOU22B

Rest periods have been negotiated for long range flying and are as follows:
– B14 two (2) hours of rest

– LOU18 a minimum of two and a half (2.5) hours of rest for a duty day up to 14:59hrs
LOU18 four (4) hours of rest for a duty day 15:00hrs or greater

– LOU22A four (4) hours of rest for a duty day up to 17:10hrs
LOU22A four and a half (4.5) hours for a duty day 17:11hrs or greater

– LOU22B five (5) hours of rest for a duty day up to 18:45hrs
– LOU22B five and a half (5.5) hours of rest for a duty day 18:46hrs or greater

With the exception of (**) LOU28 flights of 7:01hrs-8:00hrs, the service specifications may need to be modified for crew to obtain their full contractual break/rest times.  In such cases, the SD should submit an eOBR simply stating that the service sequence was modified so that the crew can obtain their contractual break/rest times.

In Solidarity,

Component Crew Rest Committee

Grievance Update – CHQ-19-54 – Abuse of Management Rights (PBS and Language Assignment)

The Union filed a grievance in 2019 as a result of Air Canada’s failure to respect the intent of PBS with respect to seniority rights in relation to those with languages. (Click HERE to see grievance form)

The grievance proceeded to Arbitration on September 28, 2022 before Arbitrator Flaherty.  We are happy to advise you that on November 7, 2022, Arbitrator Flaherty released her award which allowed the grievance.   No remedy was provided through her award and she remitted the matter of remedy back to the parties.  An excerpt from her award is included below.  (Click HERE to see the full award)

“The grievance is allowed. For the reasons provided, I find that determining route language requirements is within the Company’s management rights. There is no basis to conclude that it has exercised these management rights unreasonably. However, in assigning up to 40% of positions to route language-qualified crew, the Company must respect those employees’ seniority rights. Rather than imposing language coverage awards on the most junior qualified crew member as required by article B4.02.02.04 of the collective agreement, the PBS imposes these awards on block holders, who tend to be the more senior employees. The Company has violated the collective agreement by failing to properly consider seniority in assigning language coverage awards.

In the circumstances, it is appropriate to remit the issue of remedy to the parties. I remain seized in the event the parties are unable to resolve the remedial issues. The fact that it may be difficult to find a software solution should not prevent the parties from exploring this and other solutions, nor does not absolve the Company from its obligation to comply with the collective agreement.”

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

Bargaining Reopener Update

This bulletin is a further update to keep you all apprised of developments in our “2022 Reopener” Bargaining process.

Earlier in the reopener process the Company put forward a proposal to amend the Scope Language related to the aircraft operated by Air Canada Rouge. Later in October, the Union tabled a counter proposal on this partially agreeing to this amendment, but also included an across-the-board wage increase to address the cost-of-living increases and elimination of the wage freeze experienced by our members who have participated in flow through.

We met with the employer on November 7, 2022, where they came forward with a response to our last proposal. The employer’s response was to propose a two-year extension to our 10-Year Collective Agreement in exchange for a small lump sum paid upon ratification and minimal wage increases in 2025 and 2026 only. Our counter proposal was reasonable, and we did not see the same in return with a proposed extension to an already long collective agreement.

The cost of living continues to be a very real and challenging concern for all our members.  We voiced this clearly and the response received from the employer is simply not acceptable to us.  In order to be compensated fairly, we should not have to wait years for the wage increase.  Immediate relief is necessary.

There are also ongoing concerns with flow through and the wage freeze.  The concept of having our members working alongside one another and earning a different wage is something that needs to change.

We listened to the company’s rationale and afterwards discussed at length.  We came to the conclusion that 2025 is just around the corner and we cannot delay our fundamental right to full collective bargaining. There are so many improvements to be made and this will be our time to stand together and work towards a collective goal which is improved wages, better working conditions and further scheduling gains. There is no interest on our side to look at any kind of contract extension.

Given all that has taken place and based on how far apart we are, we have come to the united decision that there will not be an ability to come to a bargained agreement. We will be moving to the next stage of the re-opener process by moving forward to mediation.  The Union and the Company will now work to find agreement with the assistance of a third-party mediator. We welcome the Company to bring forward a more reasonable offer at mediation. We will provide further updates once a mediator and mediation dates are decided.

In solidarity,


National Women’s Conference

A National Women’s conference, hosted by CUPE National, will take place March 12-15, 2023, in Vancouver.

This event brings together members from across Canada to advocate for women’s rights and gender equality in the union and in the workplace. This is an amazing chance to interact with other CUPE leaders and activists, learn from each other and even share our own ideas.

We will provide more details pertaining this conference closer to the date.

In Solidarity,

Cassandra Shum
Chair, Component Women’s Committee

Webinar: Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on the links between thoughts (“cognitions”), feelings and behaviour. Your thoughts lead to feelings; your feelings lead to behaviours; and your behaviours can, in turn, positively or negatively influence your feelings.

In support of members across the country, on Tuesday, November 15th, Wednesday, November 16th and Thursday, November 17th, Homewood Health will be hosting a webinar on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, hosted by Katherine Sisak & Emma Rickard (English), and Jacques Lareau & Rivkah Sherman (French).

This session will help you recognize how your thoughts, feelings and behaviours mutually impact each other, and give you tools for dealing with them in your day to day life. As participants will learn, CBT is helpful for treating depression and anxiety, as well as for improving communication, relationships and overall coping and mental wellbeing.

Please join us for this special event.

Space is limited. Register now!

Please note that this webinar will be recorded and posted to our website one week following the final session.

Katherine Sisak, MSW, RSW, RP
Katherine Sisak has worked as a clinician and manager in the field of mental health and addiction for over 10 years in a variety of settings including hospitals, outpatient clinics, shelters, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation programs, and private practice. She has been with Homewood Health since 2016, first as the Trauma Specialist at the Homewood Health Clinic working with first responders consulting for trauma-related issues, and currently as a Clinical Manager with Disability Prevention Services. Katherine holds registration with the OCSWSSW as a social worker, and as a psychotherapist with the CRPO. .

Emma Rickard B.S.W. (Hons.), Post Grad. Dip. Mental Health (Dist.), R.S.W (Alberta and B.C.) 
Emma’s background is in Social Work, and she has over 30 year’s related work experience in New Zealand, England and Canada. She has worked in a broad range of clinical settings including; child protection, rehabilitation, private practice and community based mental health. In addition she has educational and training experience both in a university setting, preparing social work students for practice, and as an experienced workshop presenter. Emma has worked in the EFAP field in Canada for 15 years; offering direct counselling to clients, facilitating and developing workshops, with experience in program development. She has held a clinical leadership positon for the last 10 years; liaising with customers, clinicians and clients to maintain the clinical excellence of the services provided. Emma joined Homewood Health in 2014 and is a Regional Director for the EFAP program.

Register Here: Wednesday, November 16th @ 7:00pm EST

Register Here: Thursday, November 17th @ 7:00pm EST

Register Here: Tuesday, November 15th @ 7:00pm EST (French)