days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

CUPE Communiqué – Airline workers left out to dry by Trudeau government yet again: CUPE

VANCOUVER, BC – The union representing 9,500 flight attendants at Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge says it is worried the federal government has gone back to its old ways of leaving airline workers out to dry and acting unilaterally without consultation.

CUPE firmly believes in the role the federal government has to play in keeping the public safe in the face of the worrying new Omicron variant of COVID-19. However, decisions affecting major sectors of the economy should be made in consultation with workers to ensure policies are effective at keeping people safe while minimizing damage to livelihoods.

“Our number one priority for our members and for the public is keeping everyone safe,” said Wesley Lesosky, President of the Air Canada Component of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE). “As workers in this industry, the federal government should be listening to our voices and our input on how to make our work environment and our passengers’ traveling environment as safe as possible.”

CUPE believes pre-travel rapid testing for overseas inbound travelers would go a long way to achieve that.

“For 15 months, we have been calling on the federal government to bring in rapid testing to make flying safer for passengers and crew alike, and they have ignored us,” said Lesosky. “Instead, the feds opted for ineffective PCR tests up to 72 hours before travel, which has been a predictable and undeniable failure with harmful effects for our industry.”

CUPE also believes the government needs to get serious on the issue of unruly passengers and non-compliance with mask mandates onboard, which are unfortunately becoming more and more interwoven. “We need real enforcement for non-compliance, and we need real penalties, including criminal penalties, for passengers who harass and assault flight attendants,” said Lesosky.

“Our lives have been thrown into turmoil over the past two years, and during that time, decision-makers have almost never bothered to pick up the phone and talk to us about a path forward. The feds need to engage us as stakeholders in these important decisions, but we’re worried we’re about to see a lot more of the same.”


Crew members have reported display issues with the Portal. The In-Flight Service tab is not available:

As a result, many crew members do not have access to the link for PBS. Please use the Alternate Access:  for the New UI  for the Old UI

The Company is aware of the problem and they are actively working with IBM and Air Canada IT in order to resolve the issue.

For more information on bidding with PBS please contact your local PBS Representative


Magical Moments (CHQ-rouge-20-03)

The Union filed a grievance alleging that Air Canada Rouge failed to adhere to Safety and Security Protocols by requiring members to pick up “Magical Moment” bags in the crew room and transport them through security and customs for delivery to passengers aboard the aircraft.

Last week, with the assistance of Arbitrator Bill Kaplan, the Company and Union agreed that members are not required to pick up and transport these bags.  Put another way, if you are asked to do so by the Company, you may decline.  You cannot be disciplined or punished in any way for exercising your right to decline – this guarantee is written in the settlement document. Click HERE to read the full settlement.

Please keep in mind that if you are asked, and wish to decline, you must make your decision known to the employer as soon as possible.

In solidarity,

Coronavirus Update 42

Omicron variant:
We understand that many of our members may have concerns about the Omicron variant. At this time, as widely reported, we can expect greater clarity in the weeks to come. While we are not experts, it is the Union’s understanding that protections we have all adopted and grown unaccustomed to can be expected to still provide protection and a play a role in curbing the spread.

The Union’s overall position and concerns related to COVID-19 remain the same so far but gain added importance given the reported possibility of Omicron demonstrating higher transmissibility, immune evasion, and unknown severity of illness.

We continue to be discouraged by and to challenge rollbacks of protections against COVID-19 and workplace measures that put our members at increased risk. You may have seen CUPE in the news recently on this topic and can be assured that work is being done to represent the Union’s members at all levels and with all players.

Rapid testing update:
Following the Union’s recent rapid testing bulletin, some members have reached out asking how to sign up for this program, expressing difficulty setting up the reporting app once they have applied to the program, or using the app itself.

  1. Click on the COVID-19 testing tile in the rotating slides at the top of the ACaeronet main screen.
  2. You’ll need to click on the “home screening tile” first to apply to the program, download the app and order your test kits.
  3. Then select the tile that says, “how to use the employee screening application”.
    1. Then click on the link “download the power apps application….”
    2. Review the instructions on the page starting at STEP 9 for home screening

NOTE:   If you previously used the application for rapid tests at the airport, you will need to go into the “employee profile” in the app and change your work location to one of the one that corresponds to your “home screening + your bases province”.

If you experience difficulty, please reach out and we’ll be pleased to assist or to put you in touch with the appropriate person.

Contact tracing update:
Following Coronavirus Update 41A, some members have reached out asking why there are minimal flights being reported on the website and ePub flight notification portal. The Union became aware over the past two weeks that the provinces have progressively stopped collecting and reporting contact tracing information to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). This has a domino effect whereby the PHAC cannot post flights, nor advise the company of cases – effectively ending publication of contact events. The Union is actively reviewing its options to challenge and raise awareness to what it considers a foolish and ill-timed rollback of vital information to workers and the Canadian Public.

The company’s refusal to continue to conduct internal contact tracing for cases of employees who are in the workplace and test positive is unrelated and the Union continues to insist that this decision violates the company’s duty of care toward its workers.

In Solidarity,

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada

This year in Canada we once again mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. We will take time and remember the 14 innocents who were murdered because they were women. This happened at École Polytechnique in Montreal on December 6, 1989.

This heinous act brought the dangers of violent misogyny to the forefront of Canada’s consciousness.  Whether is it outright or subtle misogyny it cannot stand.  We must remember the high price that was paid by these women and their loved ones.

The United Nations has identified a “shadow pandemic” which outlines the fact that since the outbreak of COVID-19, all types of violence against women and girls, particularly domestic violence, has intensified.

We stand in unity and remember the fourteen women who were killed on December 6, 1989:

Geneviève Bergeron
Hélène Colgan
Nathalie Croteau
Barbara Daigneault
Anne-Marie Edward
Maud Haviernick
Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz
Maryse Laganière
Maryse Leclair
Anne-Marie Lemay
Sonia Pelletier
Michèle Richard
Annie St-Arneault
Annie Turcotte

May they rest in peace and may we all make strong commitments to support and to not forget our history. We can make small and big changes in our lives and can raise awareness. Some of these changes can be to raise daughters to only accept respect, raise sons to respect women and girls and to challenge misogynistic actions in our lives and beyond. If we can all commit to and work together to make the world a safer place for women and girls, we will put our grief and remembrance into action and then we will have truly made a difference.

In solidarity,