days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

COVID-19 At Home Rapid Testing

As Air Canada employees you benefit from the option of participating in the at-home rapid antigen COVID-19 screening program.

This program provides a box of 25-30 rapid antigen tests, which permits workers to test twice weekly from the comfort of their own home and record their results using the company COVID-19 testing web app.

Antigen testing has certain limitations when it comes to overall sensitivity, however it benefits from instant results as well as effectiveness at flagging cases during periods of high viral loads which coincide with viral shedding (infectiousness). It has therefore been the position of the Union since the early days of this pandemic that rapid antigen testing should be utilized as one of many layers of precautions to allow for safe air travel and recovery of our industry.

Currently, there is a huge demand for rapid testing in educational as well as other group settings and the government is in the process of making hard choices where to allocate supplies.

We have been advised that many participants in the program are not reporting their results using the company web app. As a result, the program is in imminent jeopardy of termination by the government.

If you are a participant in the rapid testing program it is IMPERATIVE that you record your results using the company’s COVID-19 testing web app. If you require assistance using the app, please reach out to your local health and safety representatives, your base safety management or base management who will be pleased to assist.

In solidarity,

Your Air Canada Component of CUPE Health and Safety Committee

Coronavirus Update 41A

 * * * UPDATE * * * * 

Following publication of the bulletin below, the company confirmed that it will not be contact tracing exposure events between one or multiple workers. This was not the Union’s understanding based on multiple meetings and only furthers its disappointment in how this issue is being handled by the company.

Please consult the company bulletin issued on 11NOV21.

The Union has taken the time to review the changes to contact tracing, especially in light of this most recent development, and is of the opinion that it amounts to a breach of the employer’s responsibilities under provisions of the Canada Labour Code Part II as well as the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. Consequently, your representatives are in process of filing a complaint to the employer.

As always, it is imperative that you, the members, voice any health and safety concerns with the company by means of a health and safety complaint e-report.

The Union’s bulletin on reporting can be consulted HERE.
The Union’s FAQ bulletin on reporting can be consulted HERE.

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Coronavirus Update 41

Dear members,


On November 15th the company will make significant changes to its internal contact tracing program.

Neither the employee representatives on the various health and safety committees nor your elected representatives have agreed to these changes.  Health and safety committee minutes will reflect this.

  • The program now becomes self-serve. It will be up to you, the employee, to consult the  company’s monitoring portal to know if you have had an exposure with a third-party in the workplace.
  • You will no longer know the degree of exposure. No one will call you and ask questions from the decision tree that the Union collaborated on in the joint interest of ensuring your safety. This is important since knowing the degree of exposure could affect medical assessments should you fall ill.
  • The company will no longer be providing notifications to the Union. This means it will be more difficult and take longer for the Union to contact its members.

The employer will continue to contact trace exposure events between one or multiple workers.


  • Regularly check the company’s list of affected flights to know if you have been exposed.
  • If you notice an exposure event, see or call a manager and ask to be walked through the decision tree questions to understand the degree of exposure.
    • If a manager cannot or will not assess your exposure, please record the name of the manager, time of the conversation, flight numbers concerned and notify the Union. We also strongly recommend documenting this with a health and safety complaint e-report (copy/paste).
  • File a workplace injury/illness e-report if you have reason to believe you may have contracted COVID-19 in the workplace.
  • Take advantage of at-home rapid testing (ML), and PCR testing at company clinics. Remember that a negative test result only means you were in the clear at the time of testing. The company assured us that they would be providing all the necessary tools for you to effectively self-monitor. Should testing kits not be available at the Communication Centre at your respective bases (ML), please file a health and safety complaint and let the union know.

The Union remains hopeful that we have experienced the worst of this pandemic. But we remain alarmed and profoundly disappointed in the company’s leadership and their rush to repeal important layers of protection that have underpinned our remarkable recovery.

In Solidarity,

OHS Webinar Series – Session 1

The Air Canada Component Occupational Health and Safety Committee is pleased to announce a series of webinars designed to inform and provide an opportunity to ask questions on a variety of topics identified by you, the members, as priorities in our recent survey.

The first webinar will focus on the following:

  • The Union and its safety committee. What are their respective roles when it comes to health and safety? What governs health and safety? How can members like you participate? How can you assist us in furthering change?
  • A case study of how the Union and committee functions using a real-world issue that our members highlighted as important: cabin baggage.

As bidding has closed, we will be holding two separate sessions to allow for the greatest possible participation from members. Based on feedback, further sessions may also be added.

Planned sessions are:

– DEC 7, 2021 – OHS Webinar Series Session #1A The Union, it’s H&S Committee and their roles

– DEC 16, 2021 – OHS Webinar Series Session #1B The Union, it’s H&S Committee and their roles

To register for one of these sessions please click on the link below:

In solidarity,

Your Air Canada Component of CUPE Health and Safety Committee

Bargaining Update

Your Bargaining Committee met last week with Air Canada and Arbitrator Vince Ready as a part of the mediation process outlined in the MOA in our Collective Agreement found HERE.  We felt that progress was being made and were fully prepared with our proposals and intentions to further the interests of the membership.

Our members have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic and have been bearing the weight of this unprecedented roller coaster ride of uncertainty filled with disruptive passengers, service changes, and countless challenges. We felt strongly that this was an opportunity to work with Air Canada to find common ground and this could include additional gains for the membership. An agreement has not been reached however the parties will continue to communicate in an ongoing effort to reach one.

Should an agreement not be possible the next step of the re-opener process is to move forward to interest-based arbitration. This arbitration will take place under the strict confines of the 10-year framework MOA which limits which types of proposals can move forward to arbitration. In addition, the arbitrator cannot issue an award that would increase the total cost to Air Canada Mainline or Air Canada Rouge, except for certain items at Air Canada Rouge which could result in cost increases.

Despite these new challenges we remain steadfast, determined, and fully committed to this process. Your committee is working together as a harmonious and supportive group, and we feel that this cohesion is unprecedented.  Our promise is that we will not rest until we are assured that we have shown strength and demanded mutual respect through this process. As soon as we have a clear update on timelines for next steps, we will provide more information.

In solidarity,