days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

A Message From The Council Of Unions – 2009 Share Trust Agreement Update #4 (Part 2 of 2)

This message is being distributed on behalf of the Council of Unions that was established to represent the interests of the unionized employees of Air Canada during a turbulent time that included pension insolvency. Leaders from each of Air Canada’s unions – the Air Canada Pilots Association (ACPA); Canadian Airline Dispatchers Association (CALDA); Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) – Air Canada Component; the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW); and Unifor – meet to discuss issues of common concern. Together, our Unions represent more than 20,000 unionized employees of Air Canada.

2009 Share Trust Agreement Update #4
Friday, November 12, 2021

Dear Council of Unions members,

This is the fourth such message we are writing to our members – and after a significant collective effort and cooperation between our labour groups, we are finally in a position to provide you with positive news.

Today, the members of the Council of Unions jointly issued a news release which followed Air Canada’s formal announcement [link] on the conclusion of an agreement that would allow for the unlocking of shares that had been held in a restricted trust, subject to the approval of the regulators.

If approved, the agreement will provide the thousands of members of the Air Canada defined benefit pension plans – including current and future retirees – with more certainty and more money in their pockets for retirement through a series of lump-sum payments that would partially offset cost of living increases that affect worker pensions.

This outcome represents the culmination of many years of internal discussions among our union groups, consultation with expert advisors, and past attempts to come to an agreement with all the parties.

We would like to acknowledge the effort and dedication of the many leaders within our union groups, alongside our pension experts who demonstrated tremendous persistence and creativity in seeking a resolution for the benefit of our current and retired members. Advocating on benefits for our members is a shared value at each of our respective unions, and this agreement should signal our lasting and forward-looking commitment to care for and improve the retirement prospects for all of our workers.

Equally, we would like to acknowledge the leadership at Air Canada for their role in allowing all groups to finally achieve a mutually agreeable solution.

As noted, the agreement requires approval from regulators. We will continue to keep our members informed of more information as and when it is available.

For more detailed background information, you can access the previous messages issued by the Council of Unions as follows:

April 2021
July 2019
May 2019

In solidarity,

A Message From The Council Of Unions – 2009 Share Trust Agreement Update #4 (Part 1 of 2)

This message is being distributed on behalf of the Council of Unions that was established to represent the interests of the unionized employees of Air Canada during a turbulent time that included pension insolvency. Leaders from each of Air Canada’s unions – the Air Canada Pilots Association (ACPA); Canadian Airline Dispatchers Association (CALDA); Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) – Air Canada Component; the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW); and Unifor – meet to discuss issues of common concern. Together, our Unions represent more than 20,000 unionized employees of Air Canada.

Please click HERE to learn more.

Coronavirus Update 41


On November 15th the company will make significant changes to its internal contact tracing program.

Neither the employee representatives on the various health and safety committees nor your elected representatives have agreed to these changes.  Health and safety committee minutes will reflect this.

  • The program now becomes self-serve. It will be up to you, the employee, to consult the  company’s monitoring portal to know if you have had an exposure with a third-party in the workplace.
  • You will no longer know the degree of exposure. No one will call you and ask questions from the decision tree that the Union collaborated on in the joint interest of ensuring your safety. This is important since knowing the degree of exposure could affect medical assessments should you fall ill.
  • The company will no longer be providing notifications to the Union. This means it will be more difficult and take longer for the Union to contact its members.


The employer will continue to contact trace exposure events between one or multiple workers.


  • Regularly check the company’s list of affected flights to know if you have been exposed.
  • If you notice an exposure event, see or call a manager and ask to be walked through the decision tree questions to understand the degree of exposure.
    • If a manager cannot or will not assess your exposure, please record the name of the manager, time of the conversation, flight numbers concerned and notify the Union. We also strongly recommend documenting this with a health and safety complaint e-report (copy/paste).
  • File a workplace injury/illness e-report if you have reason to believe you may have contracted COVID-19 in the workplace.
  • Take advantage of at-home rapid testing (ML), and PCR testing at company clinics. Remember that a negative test result only means you were in the clear at the time of testing. The company assured us that they would be providing all the necessary tools for you to effectively self-monitor. Should testing kits not be available at the Communication Centre at your respective bases (ML), please file a health and safety complaint and let the union know.

The Union remains hopeful that we have experienced the worst of this pandemic. But we remain alarmed and profoundly disappointed in the company’s leadership and their rush to repeal important layers of protection that have underpinned our remarkable recovery.

In Solidarity,

PBS Training Bid

*The information in this bulletin is subject to change*

Please note that all Annual Requalification Training (ART) for the December block month will be postponed. Please refer to the official training bulletin on ACaeronet for more information.

Secretary Treasurer Report – November 2021

Please see an update below regarding the financial affairs of the Component:

Banking and Investments
As of November 1st, we currently have $3.2 million saved in three different GICs. As the GIC’s mature over the next year, I am hoping to see some upward movement in interest rates as we are currently earning about 1.0% return on our investments. We also have a balance of approximately $990,000 in our savings account.

Belfield Update
The Office is starting to see more regular use and with that we have had some minor increases in operating cost as we increase cleaning services and utility use. We are currently working with our office staff to discuss a partial return to in-person work but also recognize that a hybrid model of in-person and remote work appears to be the new “normal” for most businesses.

Statement of Operation
Q1 2022 (July 2021 – September 2021)
Please see the below Unaudited Statement of Operation for the first fiscal quarter of the 2022 Year End which ended on September 30, 2021. With the impressive number of recalls over the quarter, we have returned to a surplus position after the last fiscal year of deficit.

Our three Component Trustees were scheduled to resume audit work in September, however due to unforeseen circumstances one trustee had to resign. That vacancy was recently filled through the by-election process, and we are in the process of getting our new trustee trained so that we can resume trustee audits. If you are interested in becoming a Component Trustee, there is currently a call for nominations out from the Tabulating Committee to fill the 3-year term that begins February 1, 2022. Please CLICK HERE for that bulletin.

In addition, our annual accounting audit as required by the Component Bylaws will take place in January 2022.


In Solidarity,

Alex Habib
Secretary-Treasurer, Air Canada Component of CUPE