days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Flow Through Delay

We have been informed by the Company that flow through has been delayed. While we understand that now is a tumultuous time for the airline industry, our Collective Agreement rights, such as those under L59.04, must be respected. Please know that the timing and reasoning for this delay, according to the Company, is not lost …

Pairing Revision

There has been another revision to the April pairings that affects the Day Tripper (LHR) and the Barbados flights. These pairings will be removed from the April schedule. Please adjust your bids accordingly. The Company will issue a Globe message shortly.

Profit Sharing and Wage Indemnity

The compensation for the Air Canada Profit Sharing Program will be distributed to members in accordance to LOU 38 of the Collective Agreement to all cabin personnel who were on the payroll at either Mainline or Rouge during the previous year. There will be no deductions for Wage Indemnity contributions for members who are in …


This applies to AC Mainline only Dear Members, With the recent announcement of the B737 being removed from service, for the time being, your Executive body wanted to ensure all members were advised of the reassignment rules many of you will find yourselves working under. Please find below many frequently asked questions, and as always, …

Expected Pairing Revisions and PBS

We expect a large number of pairings to be revised for the April block month in the wake of the recent announcement on the B737 MAX aircraft. The Company has announced that this will result in a number of schedule changes which will, of course, trigger changes in the pairings just published for April. The …