days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Local 4095 Officers' Election Results – 2019

The voting closed at 12:00 pm EST today for the Local 4095 Officers’ Election and the results are as follows: Local 4095 President Kim Wentzell If you participated in this Local 4095 Officers’ Election, you were issued an anonymous voting receipt code (accessible only online for 14 days after the vote closes). The results & …

Long Term Disability (LTD) Protocol Moving Forward

We have entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) today with Air Canada setting out the order and process by which the issues arising from grievance CHQ-16-16 (Change of policy for employees in receipt of LTD Benefits) will be arbitrated.  Click HERE to view the MOA. We have one tentative date scheduled, the tentative date …

International Youth Exchange Program

International Youth Exchange Program for Airline Families Calling all kids who like adventure and travel! 2019 IYE Youth Exchange Program for Airline Families – Apply Today!  If you have passed on your enthusiasm for travel to your teenager, there is a wonderful program for you and your family. IYE offers a two-week exchange program for airline families. Using their family …

An Update From Your Component Officers

In our continuing efforts to keep the membership informed, we wanted to give you an update on our progress to date. We are almost three weeks into our term and it has been a whirlwind of activity. As part of our duties we have attended numerous meetings and hearings and are doing our best to …

Upcoming Hearings

In our efforts to keep our members informed we would like to advise you of the following: Judicial Review of CHQ-15-07 B1 Passes Grievance The hearing of this Judicial Review was originally scheduled for March 21, 2019 but it will be rescheduled due to a scheduling conflict with legal counsel.  As soon as a new date has …