days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

A Message From The Tabulating Committee To All Elected Officers

To all elected officers, The Tabulating Committee is sending out a reminder that our conduct should always be in keeping with the attached Election Guidelines (CLICK HERE). Please review them. These guidelines pertain not only to the candidates, but to the entire membership, including elected officers. Please, bear in mind that candidates are dues paying members …

A Message From Your Component Trustees

Dear members, Today, on January 17, 2019, the three elected Component Trustees, Andrea De Verteuil, Joyce Nakanishi and Marc Roumy convened at the Union office on Belfield Road in Toronto to review the “top up” cheques representing the supplemental pay for the Component President, Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer. The three Component Trustees, with the assistance of …

REMINDER – Component Officers Election 2019 – Voting Closes January 24th at 12:00 pm EST

The Air Canada Component Officers’ Election will close at 12:00 EST on January 24, 2019. The candidates running for Component positions are: Air Canada Component President Patrick Ciccone Wesley Lesosky Marie-Hélène Major Laurent (Larry) Roy Jeffrey Taylor Air Canada Component Vice President Cecilia Beth Mahan Theresa Mitchell Air Canada Component Secretary-Treasurer Alex Habib Karen Pritchard …

CUPE Spring School

The Air Canada Component Education Committee would like to announce the next series of courses being offered at the CUPE Spring School, which will be held from February 26 to March 3, 2019. All courses will be at the Sheraton Centre Hotel, 123 Queen St. West, in Toronto. Class sizes are limited and registration is …

Parliamentary Procedures Workshop

The Component Education Committee would like to announce an upcoming CUPE workshop titled Parliamentary Procedures. This is an excellent course to take for those who have wanted to learn and understand the rules of order when chairing union meetings. You will learn the different elements and terminology used at these meeting such as motions, amendments …