days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Bargaining Update

Your Bargaining Committee met last week with Air Canada and Arbitrator Vince Ready as a part of the mediation process outlined in the MOA in our Collective Agreement found HERE.  We felt that progress was being made and were fully prepared with our proposals and intentions to further the interests of the membership.

Our members have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic and have been bearing the weight of this unprecedented roller coaster ride of uncertainty filled with disruptive passengers, service changes, and countless challenges. We felt strongly that this was an opportunity to work with Air Canada to find common ground and this could include additional gains for the membership. An agreement has not been reached however the parties will continue to communicate in an ongoing effort to reach one.

Should an agreement not be possible the next step of the re-opener process is to move forward to interest-based arbitration. This arbitration will take place under the strict confines of the 10-year framework MOA which limits which types of proposals can move forward to arbitration. In addition, the arbitrator cannot issue an award that would increase the total cost to Air Canada Mainline or Air Canada Rouge, except for certain items at Air Canada Rouge which could result in cost increases.

Despite these new challenges we remain steadfast, determined, and fully committed to this process. Your committee is working together as a harmonious and supportive group, and we feel that this cohesion is unprecedented.  Our promise is that we will not rest until we are assured that we have shown strength and demanded mutual respect through this process. As soon as we have a clear update on timelines for next steps, we will provide more information.

In solidarity,


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