As a part of our ongoing plan to keep members informed, we wish you advise you that Air Canada approached us recently to request that the Rouge fleet be expanded. We met with them and listened to what they had to say. Following this, we discussed it internally.
Article 2.04.07 of the Collective Agreement states: “Air Canada must get the Union’s consent to increase the total number of aircraft operated at Air Canada Rouge beyond fifty (50) during the term of the Collective Agreement. Consent will not be unreasonably withheld provided that Air Canada Mainline Cabin Personnel are not negatively affected”.
We felt that we simply did not have enough information to determine whether or not there was a negative affect on Mainline Personnel and were still in discussions. Despite this fact, Air Canada advised us that they would be moving forward with the Rouge expansion.
The Union was left with no choice but to file a grievance. See attached policy grievance CHQ-19-10.
We will advise you if there are any new developments.
In solidarity,
REMINDER – LivingWorks ASIST Suicide Intervention Workshops
!!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!! If you are not YVR-based, workshops will be announced shortly for YYZ and YUL. As part of our work to further