days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Component Executive Update – September 2023

Your Component Executive had their quarterly meeting in Montreal from September 12th-14th. We have had a great deal of discussion about our next round of bargaining. These discussions have been ongoing, however the more we get into the plans for bargaining, the more inspired and committed to the process we are becoming. A ten-year contract has been hindering us at every turn and we feel that now is our time to make a difference and to right this ship.  It is your turn to be recognized for all that you have done and for your contributions to the success of this company.

As a part of our preparations, we had presentations from two high level media companies. We are becoming very excited about the possibilities of what we can achieve by utilizing creative and impactful social media strategies.

We have harnessed the talents of CUPE National via their research representatives, bargaining experts, communications experts and so many more. Our legal firm has worked closely with us on many grievances and is acutely aware of some of the shortcomings of our contract. They are prepared and very engaged in working with us to create the most powerful path forward. In the future we will be introducing you to all these experts and to your bargaining committee so that you can see who will be representing you and how committed to the process they are.

We started the process of the “Meet and Greet” for members while your Executive was together.  The members who attended had amazing questions and we felt that this method of communication was very effective. We encourage other members to join us on our next “Meet and Greet” session and to come to us with your questions. We encourage members to send us their questions in advance of the session so that we can make the best use of our time. We will answer those questions and will then have a free and open question period.  We talk a lot about the importance of membership engagement internally and we sincerely want to hear from you. If we open our lines of discussion and hear your stories and experiences and questions we are further ahead for our communication and mutual understanding of the important issues ahead of us all in 2025.

Our next ACCEX meeting is in the first week of December. Stay tuned for our bulletin advising when the Meet and Greet will be. We look forward to seeing you there.

In solidarity,


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