days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Component Women’s Committee

We would like to welcome and introduce to you the new Chair of the Component Women’s Committee – Cassandra Shum.  Cassandra has been flying with Air Canada for 10 years and is a first time mother to a handsome toddler son. After becoming a mother, she felt lost and anxious to return to work. Mostly, she felt hesitant to separate from her son, leaving him in the hands of another caregiver. However, as a woman in this modern society, she strongly believes that we can be successful in our career while at the same time be a strong mother.  We just have to find that fine balance between it all. Cassandra is delighted to take on the Chair position of the Women’s Committee and hopes to help all those in need of assistance, while sharing her knowledge and experience.

The mandate of the Component Women’s Committee is to work to increase the participation of women in the Union at all levels and to educate them in all aspects of Union activity. This Committee also assists the Component and the Locals in developing strategies to attract and encourage women to take on leadership roles and develops recommendations for the Component and the Locals to promote women’s issues.

All levels of union leadership must actively promote representative participation in the Union as a means of ensuring that factors impacting on women’s place in the workforce are on the union agenda and find their way to the bargaining table, the legislative lobby and political action activities of the Labour movement.  Issues such as childcare, pay equity, employment equity, harassment and family care leave once were not considered conventional workplace concerns, but have been pushed to the fore front by supportive members and leaders.

We know that Cassandra will be a great addition to the Women’s Committee and look forward to the knowledge and support she will bring to the role.  She can be contacted at

In solidarity,

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