days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Coronavirus Update 20

Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge have an ongoing legal responsibility to ensure the protection of the health and safety of Cabin Crew members.

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically altered our work environment.  We need to ensure that appropriate safety measures are consistently in place.  This past week, the government of Canada put in place emergency measures that require mandatory 14-day self-isolation for all persons entering or returning to Canada.  While it exempted Cabin Crew, it said that Cabin Crew should “practise social distancing (maintain a distance of 2 metres from others)” and recommended that Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge conduct active daily monitoring for COVID-19 symptoms.

The Union is very concerned that insufficient steps have been taken to protect you from COVID-19.  We have heard from some of you already about concerns of transmission of the virus in the aircraft as well as insufficient protective equipment.

We are continuously assessing the safety measures in place, as they are rapidly changing, but we need your help to ensure that we have a very clear understanding of what is happening onboard.

The Union is requesting information from you.  Please reply to this email with the following information, to the best of your ability.  We may follow-up with you on an individual basis for more information.  Please provide your full name. employee number, base and phone number.

  1. Have you been onboard with a confirmed COVID-19 case?
    1. Did the Company notify you?
    2. Did the Union notify you?
    3. Please provide the flight information (Flt # and Date)?
  2. Have you been able to access COVID-19 testing post-incident?
    1. If yes, did you test positive or negative for COVID-19?
    2. If you tested positive, did you contact the Company?  What response/information were you given?
    3. Do you live with others who have also tested positive or are exhibiting symptoms?
  3. Onboard, were you sufficiently supplied with:
    1. Gloves?
    2. N95 mask?
    3. Storage for your protective equipment?
    4. Hand sanitizer/ wipes and potable water?
  4. Is there anything else we should know?

This information is crucial to the proper enforcement of protective equipment.  We will be following up with further information.,  If you have already sent an update to your Local or Component, please resend to so we have the most up to date info.
In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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