days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Coronavirus Update 43

Omicron Update

Dear Members,

As we have heard many members express growing concerns about the Omicron Strain of COVID-19 we wanted to update you.

The Union’s work:
We have had a high-level discussion with the company and will be re-convening to continue talks next week.  The Union has advised the company that there is too much contact with customers in the cabin.  The Service levels have increased to a point where members have been writing in to advise prolonged interaction is now required and mask compliance is at an all-time low.  We need you to report mask compliance issues, so this is documented for the Union and the Company (see insert 328 for detailed instructions).

The Component and Health and Safety Committee have been working around the clock dealing with concerns ranging from WCB and COVID to Contact Tracing and Community Transmission.

Reporting Hazards:
Reporting is essential for the overall picture to remain clear to both the company and the health and safety committees. We have heard members comments that reporting doesn’t appear to work, but there is more to reporting than the individual response you receive. When reporting stops, it presents the picture that an issue no longer exists or that the workers believe processes in place are sufficient.

The Union’s bulletin on reporting can be consulted HERE, and the FAQ document on reporting can be consulted HERE.

If you get sick:
In the absence of flight notifications from the government and contact tracing our members have been robbed of their right to know about workplace exposures. That doesn’t mean that you haven’t contracted COVID-19 in the workplace.

  • If you have been working, it is important to document illness using an injury/illness e-report (see instructions in bulletins linked above to access the SIMS reporting system). Ensure to document any ways you could have contracted the virus while at work to the best of your abilities including general and specific.
  • Book off stating injury on duty.
  • Consult your union local for assistance filing workers compensation.
  • WIP disability insurance is available for those who fall ill and do not file for workers compensation. See > Resources > WIP

Mask Compliance:
All members should take note of Insert#328 which takes effect the 17th of December and consult the freshly revised Face Covering Guidelines in ePub which provided additional guidance on how to apply Insert 328 onboard.

This new mask compliance measure comes following extensive work at the IFS Policy Health and Safety committee to better support cabin crew onboard.

Acaeronet > ePub > Covid-19 Tile > Face Covering Guidelines

What can you do right now:

  • Take advantage of company rapid testing program as well as rapid testing that may be available in your province.
  • Get tested if you have cause to believe you have COVID-19, have a positive rapid test result.
  • Report and spread the word that reporting helps the process even if immediate results aren’t evident.
  • Community transmission is the primary driver – None of us wanted this, but now is the time to reduce or cancel plans over the holidays.
  • Wear a medical-grade mask – Everywhere onboard and in your private life.
  • Ensure your masks or respirators are compliant by plugging the manufacturer information into
  • Follow public health guidelines for isolation if you have a close contact event or contract COVID-19.

A Reminder, the Employer does not advise the Union if you have COVID-19, please ensure you advise the Union if you have been infected so we can monitor and verify events.  Many of you have been reaching out since Contact Tracing came to a halt, and we need you to continue so we can effectively monitor the need for Contact Tracing.

Your Union is active at all levels with COVID-19, it is ever evolving and rapidly changing.  As many of us do not work onboard the aircraft, we need your reports, thoughts and observations.  The Company is receptive to feedback, and this allows us to demonstrate the need for change.  Please continue to keep us posted.

In Solidarity,

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