days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Crew Rest Flash Bulletin – June 2019 – Long Range Flights

(This applies to Air Canada Mainline only)

This bulletin is to clarify a few rules applicable to long range flights,  namely Article B14, LOU18, LOU22A, and LOU22B.

● Once bidding is closed, the Company cannot for any reason change the designated article/LOU

● The designation of a pairing as B14, LOU18, LOU22A, or LOU22B is based on the duration of the longest leg within that pairing

● All the conditions (such as onboard rest, duty day limitations, crew complement, layover rest period etc.) of the designated article/LOU apply to the entire pairing

**For greater clarity regarding onboard rest: if a pairing has been designated as LOU22B (for example YVR-DEL-YVR) the negotiated onboard rest periods of 5hrs or 5.5hrs for LOU22B, apply for both the outbound and the return flights.

The Service Director is responsible to manage and coordinate the onboard crew rest.  When the service specifications need to be modified to obtain the contractual rest times, an In-Flight Service Report (ACF623A) is to be filled out and submitted to the Company.

A monthly chart containing the flights and the designated article/LOU can be found in Aeronet (In-Flight Service/Crew Scheduling & Planning/Bidding Tools & Information/Duty Summary).  Members may also contact their Local or the Component Crew Rest Committee.

In Solidarity,

Component Crew Rest Committee

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