days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Day of Mourning 2019

Dear members,
In 2017, nearly 1,000 work-related deaths were recorded by government agencies. Every year, countless others suffer injury or illness because of their working conditions. Since April 28, 2018, CUPE has lost six members to workplace related fatalities:

Xiaochun Luo, CUPE Local 500, Manitoba
Rémy Brault, CUPE Local 4400, Ontario
Sheldon Hackl, CUPE Local 1000, Ontario
Jocelyne Chery, CUPE Local 3691, Ontario
Cole Timlin, CUPE Local 1000, Ontario
Sylvio St-Pierre, Local 1087, New Brunswick

Unions, Labour Councils, families and community partners in more than 100 countries gather annually on April 28th to mourn losses like these. It is a day we honour those persons by renewing our commitment to the promotion of healthy and safe workplaces and the prevention of future incidents.
But, as we all know, safety is something that must always be integrated into our work culture.
Every day of the year the Union:

  • Educates about health and safety rights, responsibilities and prevention measures
  • Insists on effective workplace prevention programs developed with full worker participation
  • Insists on training that supports the identification, assessment and control of workplace hazards
  • Engages elected officials to support stronger regulations and to preserve and seek better enforcement of those we already have
  • Collaborates with other groups who have similar goals to ensure your protection;
  • Investigates and make recommendations to the employers to eliminate risks in the workplace.
  • Advocates for the inclusion of front-line workers in the safety process.

Every day of the year, we as individual members:

  • Play our part in the safety process by reporting hazards in the workplace to the employer and maintaining a dialogue about safety with Union representatives so that they can advocate effectively on our behalf.
  • Adhere to standard operating procedures which are designed to ensure our, and our colleagues’ safety.
  • Understand our four fundamental health and safety rights:
    • To know
    • To participate
    • To refuse dangerous work
    • To no reprisal for exercising these rights

In solidarity,
Your Component Leadership and Occupational Health and Safety Committee

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