days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Gate Gourmet Strike

In hearing your concerns, we have confirmed with the company the processes for various issues. We have also been informed that there is no intent to get workers to do jobs that are out-of-scope.

While it is often our natural tendency to do everything possible to lessen the impact of disruptions to our customers, for your health and safety, it’s important to continue to follow established processes. If there are any issues, please respectfully convey them to the manager meeting your flight or call STOC so that the appropriate personnel can be dispatched.

Our understanding is that many management personnel are currently taking on extended shifts to get product to aircraft. Just like us, they are coping with abnormal work.

Carts/Equipment on Bridges:
We have confirmed with the company that there is no expectation that crews move carts onto/ off of aircraft and that all IFS management team members are aware. In some cases, carts may be staged at the bottom of the bridge, but someone from the management team will board the materials.

If there are any issues, contact STOC so that an IFS management team member can meet the flight.

Members have reported going all shift without eating because there is no food for purchase onboard.

During the catering strike, we suggest packing snacks and meals to the greatest extent possible. While on a layover, consider your needs for the next day and make use of the hotel fridge. That being the case, if you find yourself unable to secure food before the day’s start due to pick up, customs or other factors, discuss with your crew and follow established protocols in your FAM, which prioritize nourishment for the crew to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia.

Crew Water:
The company has confirmed that crew water should be boarded. If this isn’t the case, please call STOC. IFS has supplies throughout the terminal that can be brought to the aircraft.

Garbage Removal:
We have received concerns about garbage not being picked up or left on the bridge. The company advises they have worked hard to reach most aircraft proactively to retrieve refuse. If there is no management team member present to do this, please advise STOC as there is no expectation for the crew to engage in this activity.

Strikes function through the inconvenience they cause. In this case, we are directly impacted, and this may create undue stress and tension. Let’s remember our roles and that above all, respect is key to a safe workplace.

Please keep the Union advised by emailing To address any issues with management, it is important to provide relevant details like FLT#, DATE, TIME, brief description.

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