We’ve launched an unpaid work time tracker so we can show the whole country just how many unpaid hours Air Canada flight attendants work every day. The anonymous tracker updates with a running total of all flight attendants’ unpaid work to show everyone how Air Canada relies on flight attendants’ unpaid time.
As a member, sharing your experiences will help end unpaid work. Share your experience with unpaid work and add it to the tracker.
We need to show people that fly on Air Canada that flight attendants aren’t paid unless the flight is in motion. And if we’re going to do that, we need to share flight attendants’ real experiences.
You are the most credible voice for the public. They need to hear from you. The campaign will be ramping up in December, and the more additions we receive to the timer, the higher chance we have at ending unpaid work.
Will you add your unpaid work to the time tracker?
Add your unpaid time |
You can keep up to date, see other experiences, and share the campaign by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Wesley Lesosky
Air Canada Component of CUPE