days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Introducing: Stress Solutions – A new Life Smart coaching service

EAP and Homewood Health would like to introduce the following new Life Smart Service.

Designed through prevalence and growing necessity, Stress Solutions, our new coaching program is now available to members. Facing a pre-existing array of challenges, now paired with recent professional and personal complexities surrounding COVID-19, the resiliency and limits of today’s diverse and multigenerational workforce have demonstrated the need for additional support.

Stress Solutions consists of one to three telephonic sessions. Sessions include but are not limited to discussions surrounding psychoeducation, information about the cognitive aspects of stress, and connections between thoughts and feelings. Additionally, sessions will encompass coaching on stress management, lifestyle, priority management and tools such as meditation and relaxation techniques. In addition to coaching supported by a registered counselor or clinician with specialized expertise in stress, members will also receive a letter of resources with information specific to their source or primary stress indication. Employees will also receive a welcome booklet providing an overview of stress issues and stress management techniques. Members can access the service by contacting our customer service centre – English 1-800-663-1142, French 1-866-398-9505.

Wishing you all the best,

Mary Keough
Chair, Component EAP Committee

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