days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada

This year in Canada we once again mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. We will take time and remember the 14 innocents who were murdered because they were women. This happened at École Polytechnique in Montreal on December 6, 1989.

This heinous act brought the dangers of violent misogyny to the forefront of Canada’s consciousness.  Whether is it outright or subtle misogyny it cannot stand.  We must remember the high price that was paid by these women and their loved ones.

The United Nations has identified a “shadow pandemic” which outlines the fact that since the outbreak of COVID-19, all types of violence against women and girls, particularly domestic violence, has intensified.

We stand in unity and remember the fourteen women who were killed on December 6, 1989:

Geneviève Bergeron
Hélène Colgan
Nathalie Croteau
Barbara Daigneault
Anne-Marie Edward
Maud Haviernick
Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz
Maryse Laganière
Maryse Leclair
Anne-Marie Lemay
Sonia Pelletier
Michèle Richard
Annie St-Arneault
Annie Turcotte

May they rest in peace and may we all make strong commitments to support and to not forget our history. We can make small and big changes in our lives and can raise awareness. Some of these changes can be to raise daughters to only accept respect, raise sons to respect women and girls and to challenge misogynistic actions in our lives and beyond. If we can all commit to and work together to make the world a safer place for women and girls, we will put our grief and remembrance into action and then we will have truly made a difference.

In solidarity,

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