days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

New 24/7 Component Email

On Friday, April 12, 2019, your Component Officers will be launching a new 24/7 email address:

This account will be monitored by your Component Officers in the evenings, on weekends, and on holidays.  We want to ensure that there is coverage during the times that your Local Office is closed. The purpose of this 24/7 email account is to answer members’ urgent contractual questions during non-business hours.  Please keep in mind that your Local office should still be your main point of contact for questions, concerns, or potential grievances.
This is not a replacement for our current after hours Emergency Help Line 1 (866) 758-3037, which is still to be used to address emergency situations such as Health & Safety Work Refusals; Emergency Landings; Drug and Alcohol Testing; and Search and Seizure and Arrests.
We heard you loud and clear during the elections and want you to know that this is the start of many new and improved ways for you to access your Union.  We hope that this initiative will serve to meet our ongoing goals of better communication and stronger engagement.
In solidarity,

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