days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Open Letter to Transport Canada Civil Aviation

Most of you have been in receipt of the letter attached HERE and copied below, which was sent out under:
You spoke, we listened! Essential Services Letter from Transport Canada to carry with your Air Canada identification if you prefer (not mandatory)”

Once again, we are in disbelief that the company will continue to go to great lengths in making you confident in understanding you are not required to isolate, yet they have no interest in the basics to keep you safe.

You have written out in droves, you require proper fit testing so your “N95” masks are functional, you need proper fitting gloves, you need spacing on board so that you are able to socially distance yourself to the best of your ability, you require answers to your emails and safety reports.

You need proper protective gowns, face shields and you need them now.  This is no longer optional and no longer “ok” to discuss, we need action.

We have replied below, and attached HERE, to Mr.Robinson’s letter to Mr. Roviniscu.  We pay close attention to the following found in the letter:  “I would like to reiterate that, it is recommended that employers in the transportation sector conduct active daily monitoring of their staff for any of the COVID-19 symptoms noted and that these essential aviation workers are asked to closely self-monitor, and self-isolate immediately should they exhibit any symptoms.”

We are looking for the Government to mandate, direct and ensure, we are not looking for them to make “recommendations” that are not enforceable.

Your Union has heard you loud and clear.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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