days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

PBS: Access Reminders

PBS is a web-based system available either through the Air Canada portal (acaeronet) or directly via a link entered into your browser’s address bar. To access PBS from your computer or device you use a “browser” such as Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc. While any of these browsers may allow you to access web sites on the internet, not all of them may be completely compatible with PBS. This is because the interaction between PBS and a browser demands that each work with the other in specific ways and not all browsers work in the same way.

To make a system like PBS efficient it may not be able to interact exactly the way in which the browser requires. So as PBS and the various browsers evolve, they may not work together as well as they should. To ensure that compatibility exists, NavBlue writes their software to work with specific operating systems and browsers. Other browsers and operating systems may work, however there is no guarantee or support if these “non-supported” devices, operating systems and/or browsers do not work properly.

Please click HERE to view the full bulletin.

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