days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

PBS Bid Calendar in May for the June Awards

(This applies to Air Canada Mainline only)

The events of the past few weeks have had an impact on just about everything that we do. With the details of a mitigation program and bid still to be determined, the timing of other events like PBS bidding will be affected. There have been many possible schedules over the past days, however as one is closer to being set other factors arise which require dates to be moved or changed.

We have now learned that bidding for training will open on May 12th, close on May 15th and awards available on May 18th. This should be updated shortly on the acaeronet and the Training Center will be sending an update on what training will take place and who will attend in June.

As we speak, the schedule for block bidding in May (for June) is still to be finalized. Information on when bids open and close will be communicated as they become available.

The Air Canada Component of CUPE App, available for download, is a good tool for keeping up to date on bulletins from your PBS and other committees.

You may download the app here:
IOS download
Android download

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