days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.


This applies to AC Mainline only
Dear Members,
With the recent announcement of the B737 being removed from service, for the time being, your Executive body wanted to ensure all members were advised of the reassignment rules many of you will find yourselves working under.
Please find below many frequently asked questions, and as always, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Union office at any time for further clarity.
What is a Reassignment?
Reassignment rules are governed by Article B6 of the Collective Agreement. We recommend that if you believe you may be reassigned that you review Article B6 and acquaint yourself with it.
There must be an irregular operation before Reassignment is applicable. An irregular operation is when a Regular Blockholder loses a flight or flight sequence due to a cancellation, consolidation, substitution, misconnection or illegality at home base. (B.10) The current situation that is ongoing in relation to the B737 Max will potentially result in some of the above-named situations.
How will pay be calculated on Reassignment?
For Reassignment only, you can calculate your pay protection by comparing the total credit of the actual pairing you operated against the total credit of your original pairing. You are pay protected for at least the total original pairing credit. If your actual total pairing credit operated is greater, that is what you will receive.
How long will my reassignment last?
It depends on the original pairing. If the pairing was a 1-day pairing, then the reassignment will only be for one day. If the pairing was a multiple day pairing, then you will be reassigned for each day. Please note that the reassignment will be for each day that you were on duty and is not based on your original flight arrivals/departures times. For example, if your original 1-day pairing had a flight that was scheduled to arrive at 23:46h, and you are now being reassigned, you will be reassigned to two (2) days. This is because your duty period ends on the second day.
Is there a difference between Reassignment at Home Base and Reassignment Not at Home Base?
Yes. There are differences. Home Base Reassignment is governed by B6.03.01 and Reassignment Not at Home Base is found in Article B6.03.02.
At home base you can only be reassigned at the time of notification.  You may be required to remain available for up to one (1) hour for reassignment.
It is the Union’s position that you are not required to contact Crew Scheduling at the end of your 1-hour airport standby at Home Base unless you have agreed to do so. After the standby period at Home Base, you are required to call Crew Scheduling at the established time at your base. This would occur each evening of the reassignment for the next day’s reassignment. If the established time at your base falls within your crew rest time, then contact Crew Scheduling within one hour of completing your crew rest (B6.03.01.03).
Can I Opt out of Reassignment?
Yes, there is an Option to opt out at home base.  At home base, prior to the start of a pairing or when transiting home base, an employee may request, through the Crew Resource Centre, to opt out of reassignment for the entire reassignment period.
A request may be granted or denied by the Crew Resource Centre. If granted, there will be no pay protection and the employee will only be paid for flights operated.
A request will not be granted if being released from reassignment would result in the employee being below his or her applicable MMG.
When I am Not at Home Base may I be required to stand by?
Yes.  Away from home base you can be required to stand by at the airport for up to a maximum of two hours.
When does the clock start ticking for standby for reassignment when Not at Home Base?
For airport standby reassignment, the clock starts ticking as soon as you have received reasonable knowledge of the irregular operation causing you to lose your blocked flight.
What are your requirements regarding calling Crew Scheduling during the standby period?
It is Crew Scheduling’s job to contact you. Since contact is via telephone, you are responsible to ensure that either the In Charge, or yourself, have provided Crew Scheduling with a contact telephone number where you can be reached during the standby period. If Crew Scheduling asks you to call them back, we recommend you advise them to contact you instead, because there have been many reports of difficulties in reaching them. It only becomes your responsibility to call Crew Scheduling if you have agreed to do so.
If at the end of my 2 hours standby away from home base I am not reassigned, what happens?
You will be permitted to deadhead to Home Base on the first available flight to be designated by Crew Scheduling (that you are legal to deadhead on). You must contact Crew Scheduling immediately on arrival at Home Base and may be assigned a flight (B6.03.02.02).
What is Deadhead Reassignment?
Where you are reassigned to deadhead to your Home Base, you may be required to operate your deadhead flight or any other flight to your initially scheduled destination, providing you are legal in all respects. A deadhead reassignment is in reverse order of seniority (B6.03.03).
Can I be reassigned on a day that I was not originally scheduled to work?
In the event of an irregular operation, and if you are away from home base on a day off, the Company can reassign you to deadhead home. The Company may require you to operate the flight you were reassigned to deadhead home on (B6.03.04).
If the Company deadheads me home as my reassignment; must the flight be a direct non-stop?
No. The Company can deadhead you with stops along the way.
When does a reassignment become a draft?
Any change to reassignment is a draft unless it falls under irregular operation B.10. If you are re-assigned and your flight cancels, you are subject to further reassignment. However, if your reassigned flight operates and you are legal for the assignment, any changes to your pairing/flight would constitute a draft.
Can you transit through home base on a reassignment?
Yes, it is possible to transit through home base on a reassignment, but the Company must follow all procedures outlined in B.6.
Can you be reassigned for greater credits then were originally scheduled in your pairing?
Yes, subject to the maximum monthly limitations.
In solidarity,

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