days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Recall Process Review for Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge

This bulletin is being provided as guidance and for informational purposes only.  If there is any variance between this bulletin and the Collective Agreement or any applicable legislation, they shall take precedence.

Dear Members,

With the steady pace of recalls we have seen over the past few weeks and the announcement of Rouge restarting in September 2021, we wanted to provide a more detailed breakdown of Article 17 and the recall process. As the process differs slightly depending on whether you are a Mainline or Rouge Member, please scroll to access the correct section of the bulletin:

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Recall Process Review for Mainline Members

Mainline Cabin Personnel do NOT need to accept a recall to Air Canada Rouge. They may remain on layoff status and wait for a recall to Mainline.

Step 1 – Recall Notice Sent
The most senior employees on layoff status will be advised of the first available assignment at either Air Canada Mainline or Air Canada Rouge. The recall notice must be sent by registered letter, but you may also receive an email to your company email and/or a phone call.

Step 2 – Responding to Recall Notice
You have 7 calendar days from the date of the postmark to advise if you are accepting the position. You must accept the recall if it is to the point of layoff, which is the base you were laid off from.

If the recall is to a different Mainline base or Air Canada Rouge base you may decline the recall, however you must still reply to the recall notice advising that you wish to be retained on the seniority list for subsequent assignments. This must be done within 14 calendar days from the date of the postmark.

If you fail to reply to a recall notice, you will have been considered to have resigned without notice.

Step 3 – Accepting Recall to Rouge (Article 17.04)
If you accept a recall to Air Canada Rouge, you will be given at least 21 calendar days’ notice of your start date. You will be protected at your Air Canada Mainline wage rate, except for SDs who will earn their Mainline FA wage when flying as a Flight Attendant and their applicable SD rate when flying as the Lead Flight Attendant. You will also maintain your Mainline pension and health benefits; however, all other working conditions and premiums will be based on LOU 55 of the Collective Agreement and Company policy.  There are some changes for those recalled to Air Canada Rouge, based on the Minutes of Settlement (MOS) for grievance CHQ-20-13. (CLICK HERE for a copy).

Further information will be issued by the Company on some of the differences, but please CLICK HERE to see an overview of the Rouge Scheduling Rules as found in the Rouge Contract Guide.

Step 4 – Working at Rouge
You will be required to attend training in order to become a qualified Rouge Flight Attendant. You will use your Mainline Uniform with minor modifications provided by the Company.

Step 5 – Recall to Mainline
Once a vacancy exists at Mainline it will be offered to the most senior crew member who remains on layoff or who is temporarily working at Rouge. By accepting a position at Rouge, you are not giving up your position at Mainline. You will be recalled to Mainline once a Mainline position is available at your seniority.

When recalled back to your point of layoff, you must return to Air Canada Mainline.
If the recall is to a different Air Canada Mainline base, you may decline the recall and wait for a position at your original home base. As per the MOS mentioned above, you will no longer forfeit your Mainline wage rate and health benefits if you decline a recall to a different mainline base.

Please review the below flow chart that outlines the recall process for Mainline Cabin Personnel or CLICK HERE for a PDF copy.

Your Component is always available to answer any questions you may have on the recall process, please reach out to get correct information at

Currently we are not aware of the future number of recalls to either Mainline or Rouge. This bulletin was only prepared in preparation for future recalls and the restart of Air Canada Rouge. The moment we have confirmed recall information it will be shared with all members as we have done throughout the past year.


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Recall Process Review for Rouge Members

Rouge Cabin Personnel do NOT need to accept a recall to Air Canada Mainline. They may remain on layoff status and wait for a recall to Rouge.

Step 1 – Recall Notice Sent
The most senior employees on layoff status will be advised of the first available assignment at either Air Canada Mainline or Air Canada Rouge. The recall notice must be sent by registered letter, but you may also receive an email to your company email and/or a phone call.

Step 2 – Responding to Recall Notice
You have 7 calendar days from the date of the postmark to advise if you are accepting the position. You must accept the recall if it is to the point of layoff, which is the same base at Air Canada Rouge that you were laid-off from.

If the recall is to a different Rouge base or to an Air Canada Mainline base you may decline the recall, however you must still reply to the recall notice advising that you wish to be retained on the seniority list for subsequent assignments. This must be done within 14 calendar days from the date of the postmark.

If you fail to reply to a recall notice, you will have been considered to have resigned without notice.

Step 3 – Accepting Recall to Mainline (Article 17.05)
If you accept a recall to Air Canada Mainline, you will be given at least 21 calendar days’ notice of your start date. You will be placed on the Air Canada Mainline wage scale at a step that is no less than the hourly rate that you earned at Air Canada Rouge. This is the same wage rate that would apply in a flow-through situation. You will maintain your Rouge pension and health benefits; however, all other working conditions will be based on Collective Agreement and Company policies that apply to Air Canada Mainline Cabin Crew.

Step 4 – Working at Mainline
You will be required to attend training in order to become a qualified Mainline Flight Attendant. You will be provided with a Mainline Uniform.

Step 5 – Recall to Rouge
Once a vacancy exists at Rouge it will be offered to the most senior crew member who remains on layoff or who is temporarily working at Mainline. By accepting a position at Mainline, you are not giving up your position at Rouge. You will be recalled to Rouge once a Rouge position is available at your seniority.

When recalled back to your point of layoff, you must return to Air Canada Rouge.
If the recall is to a different Air Canada Rouge base, you may decline the recall and wait for a position at your original home base. You will remain at the wage rate that you transferred in at until you accumulate the years of service at Air Canada Mainline to progress to the next step on the Mainline wage scale. You will maintain your Rouge pension and health benefits.

Please review the below flow chart that outlines the recall process for Rouge Cabin Personnel or CLICK HERE for a PDF copy.

Your Component is always available to answer any questions you may have on the recall process, please reach out to get correct information at

Currently we are not aware of the future number of recalls to either Mainline or Rouge. This bulletin was only prepared in preparation for future recalls and the restart of Air Canada Rouge. The moment we have confirmed recall information it will be shared with all members as we have done throughout the past year.


In solidarity,

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