84 days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Revised PBS Bidding Schedule for May 2021

As a result of today’s announcement by the Canadian government to suspend all incoming flights from India for 30 days, all pairings in the May block month scheduled to operate to or from DEL will be removed from the bid package and PBS.

Given this change and its proximity to bid close, we are providing you with another 24 hours to modify your bids accordingly.

Bid close for the May block month has now been extended to 0001 EDT on April 24. Contesting will now open by 2300 EDT on April 26. Please note that contesting close remains as scheduled at 2300 EDT on April 27.

Once again, we thank you for your continued patience and understanding, and appreciate your ability to adapt to the circumstances.

For more information on bidding with PBS, please contact your local PBS Representative:

YUL:  spp.pbs4091@gmail.com
YYZ:  pbsyyz@gmail.com
YYC:  pbs@local4095.ca
YVR:  pbs@local4094.ca

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